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BEHAVING STUPID CAN BE FATAL... As tRUMP is Learning... #InfectedDonald Spread His Disease to Seven Top Republicans at The Rose Garden. WHO'S SORRY NOW?

Trump Family Slogans - Come Back To Bite Them - KARMA

Music Video "Who's Sorry Now?" 
from The Movie All That Jazz

Kellyanne Conway, Chris Christie, Mike Lee, Thom Tillis, Ron Johnson, Melania... and The New Campaign Manager Bill Stepsien... RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel... They All Went to a Super Spreader Event At The White House Where tRUMP Nominated "Back to the Coathanger" Amy to Join the Supreme Court... and Now... They are Infecting Their Own Families... How is George Conway Doing? Hopefully He Has His Own Bedroom and NEVER Touches Kellyanne...  

Super Spreader event at White House for "Back to the Coathanger" Amy

HEADLINE: Seven are now infected after 'Amy Coney Barrett superspreader event' amid fears that it's only a matter of time before more of Trump's senior team develop COVID.

and a Comment on Facebook by Renee Fry:

Judge Amy Barrett may actually be the super-spreader of the virus at the Rose Garden party.
She had the virus over the summer. Though she felt better and thought she was over it, experts are saying folks in her situation could still be spreading it for weeks after they think they've recovered.
The party was in her honor. They were all meeting and greeting with her. She probably shook lots of hands and spoke face-to-face with most of the more important people present.

They couldn't wait to rush her through, and she in turn brings them all the virus. Karma at its best ... Or is “ God “, reminding them, to Practice what you Preach ?

Since the Christian Zealots, think their godfairy is in control. I am awaiting the bizarre backflips, they will do, to explain how tRUMP, and his enablers getting COVID, wasn't God's will. Yet, a two weeks ago RBG dying, was all about “the will of god".

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

The Fall Of Our Discontents Scenario
By MichaelAngelo.
A major betrayal and con job is about to unfold. It will reveal the gullibility of a third of Americans. The future of the media, politicians and religious organizations will be for some time be suspect of their validity. Even the once stalwart judicial system’s prejudices and biases will be exposed. The police that is supposed to protect the citizens will be handcuffed to do all of their duties. A blue tsunami is coming to bring about Medicare for all.
This will come to fruition when it is revealed that the president faked his coronavirus test to disrupt everything that is going wrong against him from a simple unforced lie to the fatal charge of treason. He will be found to be a willing agent of Putin and that he is beholden by finances to numerous multinational oligarchs.
He will incite brown shirt style protests and riots for a civil war for him to hold on to power and to prevent him from being charged on January 21, 2021 until the statute of limitations can be his legal ally.
He can be impeached again or he can resign if pardoning himself does not work, to make way for acting president Pence to pardon him of any federal crimes committed for compassionate health reasons. Any sort of States’ charges are less than treason.
President Benedick Donald Trumpet does not have covid-19. He does have cerebral circulatory health problems. Dr. Conley will lose his medical license. AG Barr will be disbarred from practicing law. Most of the cabinet Secretaries will be investigated similar to the Nuremberg trials. Stock market manipulators will be exposed. The three eldest Trump children will be fined and jailed along with Jarrod Kushner.
It will take years to eradicate Covid-19 (only half will be vaccinated) and recover the economy. Biden will be the 21st century FDR with unfortunately also its sorrows along with stunning legislations for the future of the USA.

Capitalism will partner with Socialism for the country to maintain its position as the greatest country that ever was.

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