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Trump Posted a Video on Twitter... He Doesn't Look too Good... Kind of PALE... As If All Life Had Been Sucked Out Of Him... See For Yourself... Click Here


I Question IF This Video Was Actually Recorded Today... Or Was It Made a Month Ago When They Were Planning This Charade... Too Bad He Wasn't Holding UP a Newspaper With Today's Date Showing...  Whatever... ✌

Satire of Trump and Melania wearing Their Own Words on the Back of Coats... IRONIC

and on Facebook We Have Questions... Like: 

"Is tRUMP Already Living in Moscow? Is This Trip to Walter Reed Hospital a FAKE Using His Body Double? So He Can Sneak Out of the Country and Live a Quiet Life of Just Another Old Bald Retired Man... Drinking Vodka and Sleeping With Hookers until His Last Breath... " 

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"So I was re-reading the new and improved orange edition constitution & it says if the incumbent POTUS gets sick, the election results are null & void. 

It says as of tomorrow, in the new 28th amendment (by executive order) that the incumbent POTUS must manage the country from their Twitter account, in bed, with room service, so they can focus on flipping the supreme Court & the house & senate & stuff like that, until they feel better. 

The election will commence someday, eventually, at a future indefinite time, when both parties agree to see fit (in hell)... 

Is that true?"

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"The second the news broke, the conspiracy theories started. Donald Trump is pretending to have Covid-19 so he can use his miraculous “recovery” to claim the virus isn’t a big deal; Trump is trying to avoid the next debate; Trump wants to delay the election; Trump is trying to distract us from his tax scandal. Forget the fact the guy rarely wears a mask and was bound to get sick at some point, an enormous number of people seem to reckon the president and first lady testing positive for the coronavirus is some kind of devious political strategy.

The grand prize for the most unhinged conspiracy theory goes to (who else?) QAnon followers. One of the many bizarre things these people believe (without any foundation) is that Covid-19 is a hoax designed to deflect attention from a Satan-worshipping pedophile ring operated by Hillary Clinton and liberal elites. Trump, their reasoning goes, is pretending to have Covid-19 as part of a grand plan to arrest Clinton. According to these geniuses Trump communicated his intentions via a tweet on Friday morning where he announced he and Melania had tested positive and declared: “We will get through this TOGETHER!” When you pull apart TOGETHER it spells out TO GET HER. Boom! "

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Robert Reich said: "The White House still has no plans to require face masks, despite the fact that the president and the first lady have tested positive for the virus. Yesterday, officials spoke to the press without masks. Some aides have even been criticized for wearing masks on their own volition. It never ceases to amaze me just how impervious to science and public health warnings Trump and his enablers can be. It would be one thing if they were only risking their own health, but their recklessness is endangering the American people."

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Renee Fry Said:
A day ago I posted, THIS WAS A STUNT FROM THE GET GO !
I now believe he was asymptomatic, and its a campaign ploy. tRUMP had recently been exposed, on his TAXES, ( he pays NONE, or $750. for the past two years ). Melanias Recording gaffes,( FU(K CHRISTMAS, and mocking the CAGED CHILDREN at the DETENTION CAMPS). tRUMP losing the debate and much more...the polls dropping BIGLY. The Stock Market dropping...If he was battling it seriously, tRUMP wouldn’t have been out, for a JOY RIDE AROUND THE HOSPITAL . PHOTO OPPORTUNITIES today. He was banking on this firing up his base and taking advantage of our naturally kinder, more forgiving natures. He’s not shown a bit of EMPATHY or EMOTION for the MILLIONS that have been hit hard by this VIRUS 🦠. He’s not shown any SYMPATHY for the FAMILIES of the 207,000 + that have DIED. There is still blood on HIS HANDS, and on HIS WATCH.

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On Facebook Mary W. Matthews Said: I agree with those who say yesterday's utterly selfish drive-by, where the Toddler in Chief endangered the lives of his Secret Service protectors because he was jonesing for a few seconds of adulation, was the true end of his presidency. Surely even True Believers have to have noticed his narcissism. I Disagree... Good Health is Often Helped By a Positive Outlook on Life... If You Think You Are Hopeless, You Get Worse... If You Think Happy Thoughts, You Get Better... That's Why Doctors Recommend a Visit by a DOG... So, If It Make Him Happy to See People Waving Flags With His Name on It... Great! And Those People He Endangered are ALL AWARE of the Danger... I've Known some Secret Service Employees... They ALL Would "Eat a Bullet" for their President... That's Part of the Job... and They ALL VOLUNTEER! We Met While Delivering Pizza to Fort Belvoir, Virginia... Everyone Else Thought The Secret Service Guys Were Crazy... BUT... Hey, It's YOUR LIFE! Do What You Want! I don't believe in Prayer but I DO Sing the Prayer of Saint Francis to My Invalid Wife... She Believes in Prayer and It Makes Her Feel Better... so... I Sing It...

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