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Let's Cut the Pentagon Budget In Half and Refund the Money to The Taxpayers. It's an Absurd Waste of People's Lives...

Since 1945, the US Military Has Never Defended the Country. NOT EVEN ONCE. Every War since WW2 Has Been a Marketing Trick Engineered to Increase Sales by The Military Industrial Complex... Dow Chemical, Hughes Aircraft, Lockheed, FMC, Raytheon... 

MEME - Let's Cut the Pentagon Budget In Half and Refund the Money to The Taxpayers - gvan42

Remember: People Waste Their Entire Working Lives Serving in the Military or Working at a Defense Contractor. IMAGINE what those Engineers Could have Designed if they Had Not Been Creating Weapons... 

And the Veterans... Many Come back Wounded and with PTSD. I interviewed Hundreds of Homeless Veterans applying for Welfare and they are Angry... at Being Deceived... and They all had had that Horrible Realization That "The Mission" was TOTALLY BOGUS... and They Were Risking Their Lives for Corporate Greed... 

If we Simply Refunded That Wasted Money To The Taxpayers WE THE PEOPLE Would Spend it at American Businesses... Buying Food for our Children, Healthcare, Shoes, Books, Computers, Bicycles, Cars... USEFUL PRODUCTS THAT MAKE REAL PEOPLE'S LIVES BETTER!

Just Giving the Super Rich More Money DOES NOTHING for The USA... Remember: REGROOVING is the Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I remember Redwood Summer... Earth First! Protests in Humboldt County... In the End The Taxpayers of California Bought a Huge Piece of Land and Made the Headwaters Forest Park. Thanks! It's Great! Better than the "Stumps of Mystery" - I was Living in San Jose at that time and Did NOT Participate in the Protests... and I DID NOT "Spike" Redwood Trees In San Jose... at the Corner of Lincoln and Willow... Not Me... It Was That Other Guy... "Lumpy the Biker" - (Not His Real Name) Remember DO NOT CHAINSAW Redwood Trees... Might be Dangerous! SAFETY FIRST!

Trail in the Headwaters Forest near Eureka - gvan42

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Peace and Love - Free Coloring Book Art... Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Your Friends... I'm Looking for a Publisher to Print My Book, Sell Copies and Pay Me Royalties...

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