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IS tRUMP'S CORONAVIRUS A FAKE? IS HE LYING? Is It a Distraction to Keep Us From Noticing What's Really Going On? HERE'S THE CENSORED NEWS TV IS NOT SHOWING...

Revelation of vast 'consulting fees' threatens damage for Ivanka Trump... First daughter apparently took almost $750,000 from the Trump Organization while she was simultaneously an employee... 

Investigate #IvankaGate - Fraud, Corruption, Theft, Prison, #LockHerUp
Investigate #IvankaGate
Fraud, Corruption, Theft, Prison, #LockHerUp

Judge Orders Eric Trump to Testify in N.Y. Fraud Inquiry... The president’s son had said he would not give a sworn deposition to the New York attorney general until after the election, but a state judge said he must cooperate sooner.

Fraud Alert: Local, county, state officials issue warning... "Official" Trump Websites are Frequently Scams Trying to Steal Your Credit Card Numbers... BEWARE... Remember Steve Bannon's Build the Wall Fraud? Millions of Dollars Stolen from Gullible Trump Voters...

Health officials urge people who attended Trump rally to get tested for coronavirus...

and Mike Schwartz Said:
Lots of speculation that Trump is faking Covid for some reason. Of course his pathological lying causes suspicion of anything he says but I suspect that the explanation for the silence coming from the White House is much easier to explain. In a work environment where NOT wearing a mask is practically a requirement Covid is now rampant in both the White House and among his donors, Republicans in Congress and any one else that has come into contact with anyone near them. The truth he wants to hide may be the majority of the executive branch, Republicans in congress, and his campaign staff are under quarantine and unable to do their job. Some may already in the hospital with him. Just a guess.

and Zack M Said:
Not that I ever anticipated on Trump getting convicted or dying in office, but I knew that the Democrats wouldn’t dare to impeach him for his real crimes and they would rely on Russiagate or something like that. However, I never ruled out the scenario of a Mike Pence Presidency. Corporate liberal media has not only spread the propaganda that any Democrat is better than Trump, but apparently any reactionary Republican is better than Trump too. The consciousness has apparently become so blinded by Trump, which has unfortunately ruled out every other scenario. I’m not saying that Trump being out of a picture would stick a dagger in the far right vacuum, but just like Bernie Sanders bending the knee for the establishment can’t kill a socialist movement, the absence of one person can’t kill a movement on the far right.

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