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Crop Circles - Many are Clearly NOT Made By People - Look At These Photos and a Video of an Entire Design being Created in 15 Seconds...

Here is the Trailer for the Movie "Crop Circle Reality."

It Shows UFOs Flying over a Field and a Crop Circle Appearing LIVE. Look at the Video at Time=1:05

and Then in another Field the Crop Circle Appears both This Year and a Year Later... The Soil Had Been "Changed" In a Way that Affects Plant Growth... WTF!

Look at the Movie at Time=8:38 

 Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - Clearly Not Made By People

This One is So Complex That I Doubt That I Could Draw It 

With Pens and Pencils on a Piece of Paper... 

and I'm a Professional Draftsman...

And... Somehow This Was Done in a FIELD... Amazing!

Crop Circle Obviously Mad By Humans - BUT IT'S GREAT!
Crop Circle Obviously Made By Humans - BUT IT'S GREAT!

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42
Crop Circle in England and a Rock in New Mexico
Roswell Rock

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42
This One Looks Like a Person Made It...
Very HUMAN Emotions In The Design
Clearly a BIRD Done in Native Style... 

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42

Crop Circle - Amazing Geometric Design - gvan42


Crop Circle and MATH

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