Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

After tRUMP Loses, Will He Start World War Three as Revenge Against Everyone Who Conspired Against Him? After All, He Believes Jesus Will Beam Him Up During The Rapture... Just Like Star Trek...


Spanish swearing anti trump sign - Chinga Tu MAGA - Pendejo - No Mas Naranja

EPIC Speech by President Obama at a Drive in Campaign Rally in Florida. HONK HONK HONK... HONK HONK

Barbara Bush Meme
tRUMP Built FIVE MILES of New Wall on Our Border With Mexico. AND MEXICO DID NOT PAY FOR IT... #TotalLoserTrump

There were Three White Men in Bulletproof Vests in the Parking Lot in Front of My Home... They wandered around for about ten minutes, got in a white van and left... I Wonder... Are They "Proud Boys" or Actual Pigs? Whatever, They Looked Like a Menace to Society... None of Us went out to ask what they were doing... Obvious Danger... The License Plate Looked Like a Cardboard "Dealers" Tag... Makes Me Wonder... SHOULD I CALL THE POLICE AND REPORT THEM? Who DO You Call When The Police Themselves are a Force for EVIL?

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

POP QUIZ! WHAT DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON??? Steve Bannon=Arrested, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Paul Erickson = Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty, George Nader=Guilty, Elliott Broidy=Arrested


BubbleUP Economics Works - Raise the Minimum Wage to 15 Dollars an Hour - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

What is Bubble Up Economics?

Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and Increase Social Security Checks by 15%. Then all Those people will spend the extra money in their paychecks at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those businesses will have to hire more people to handle the extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. Everybody WINS! With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children's Brains... Farmers will sell More. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP Economics would reverse that trend... The Money Bubbles UP Through Every Layer of Society... With a rising tide, every boat floats! We Tried Ronald Reagan's "Voodoo" Economics and It Has Failed... "People" Say That Bubble UP! Economics WILL MAKE Employers LAY OFF Workers... However... Employers HAVE ALREADY LAID OFF EVERYONE THEY POSSIBLY CAN... Have you Ever Seen a Business where People Work There but Have Nothing To DO? Never! Who Could Possibly be Opposed to the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady.

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - Amelia Typeface

"The Violet Overgrow" [FICTION - Not One Word is True. Wink Wink] by Gregory Vanderlaan - Updated 10/21

 Chapter Zero: 

"tRUMP's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency." Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone. "Let's Flip The Mission! Bring Back Protection of the Environment! #FRANCE1789... #FRANCE1789... 

They Were at a Protest March in Arcata, CA... Disrupting the Military Industrial Complex...

Billy Replied: "Oh Susan, You Are Just Preaching to The Choir Here... All These Earth First! People ALREADY Agree With You... Let's Take Our Message to Washington DC and Speak Truth To Power! Let's Go To The Actual EPA."

#France1789 - Historical Drawing of a Guillotine

and In  His Mind He Remembered Exactly What it Looked Like... and He Started Daydreaming... READ MORE: 

QAnon: Trump Declares Total War on Catholic Church. "The Pope is Leader of a Make Believe Cannibal Vampire Cult!" --- and What's Up With Celibacy? Doesn't That Attract Weirdos?

Why Is There A Group Named QueerAnon? (Sometimes Called QAnon) Are They Some Kind Of Gay Rights Thing? If So... GREAT! Remember: We All Ought To Live More Like Star Trek. Many Different Races Working Together to Accomplish Great Things. In this time when The President of the United States is selling Hate... We all ought to remember our Trekkie Roots...

 #QAnon, #WWG1WGA, #TheGreatAwakening, #Pizzagate, #saveourchildren, #QueerAnon, #WYSIWYG, #TrumpHasFailed, #DumpTrump, #DitchMitch, #LegalizeMedicinalPsychedelics, #FreeAllCannabisPrisoners, #IvankaGate, #Think4Yourself, #QuestionAuthority, #GOPisEVIL, #LockHimUp, #TheDeepStateDoesNotExist, #BiteMyShinyMetalAss and #Vote4Joe

and then Sandy Erickson Said:

I find it really interesting that some people who support Trump are saying that they thought Biden lied last night, but to me it's very clear that Biden is a man of honesty, decency, and integrity! How is it possible that people can watch the same program but see something completely different? I really don't understand how anyone could have watched Biden last night and seen anything other than a kind, decent man who truly cares about people and has a solid plan to lead us out of the pandemic and bring us together instead of further dividing us! And I also don't understand the people who keep accusing him of being "slow" or having dementia. He had clear, well-thought-out answers to all of the questions, and didn't show even the slightest hint of dementia! Whereas Trump always just seems so angry and on the verge of lashing out, and he never gives clear answers to questions. Trump just tries to deflect, and tries to turn the conversation back on Biden because Trump doesn't have a plan and doesn't have answers to the questions about his future plans for the country. With Trump, it's always "I'm doing a great job, I've done a great job," but he HASN'T done a great job, or else we wouldn't be the laughing stock of the world! We used to be the ENVY of the world when we had REAL leaders! I loved it when Biden said that he was the president for ALL Americans, red and blue! Trump has made it clear that he only cares about the red states, but he's supposed to be leading ALL of us! Last night made the difference between the two candidates abundantly clear. One is going to continue to divide us and destroy our relationships with other countries, and the other is going to unite us and repair those relationships and restore our standing as one of the strongest nations in the world.

People see what they want to see I guess. I don't know how anyone can't see Trump is a total narcissist, he only talked about how great he is. Most other countries don't understand this whole red and blue thing, like you have to be a Republican or Democrat and vote for the respecting party. It's not divided like that in the rest of the world.

Yeah, I really envy the way it is in some of the other first world countries, without the two parties constantly arguing and bickering. They seem so much more peaceful and content. I long for that kind of peace in my own country. The closest we ever get to peace is when we have a leader who unites us instead of dividing us, like Obama was and like Biden will be. Nobody can deny that the division has gotten much, much worse under Trump, and that division causes tension and anger. We need PEACE more than ever right now. Not a day goes by that I don't miss Obama, because I miss that feeling of peace that I had when he was president. I had my own personal issues going on in my life, but at least I always knew that the President had my back.

Trump supporters are unlike anything I've ever seen in my lifetime. They don't see what's clearly right in front of their eyes. In their mind, Trump is some kind of flawless being who can do no wrong. It's mind-boggling.

I just don't get it either Sandy Erickson. I guess it would be the same as a 12 person jury. All hearing and seeing the evidence, but coming up with opposite conclusions. I will be glad when we can move on. Put that ****er in prison and throw away the key.

Yeah, I mainly want to see an end to the intentional division. That's probably the part that makes me the most depressed, the fact that we have a president who WANTS to see us divided. In the past, there may have been a certain amount of division between Democrats and Republicans, but at least our presidents TRIED to unite us, and some did a great job, like Obama. But even past Republican presidents wanted to see us united as a nation. I KNOW Biden can bring back some of that unity. Problem is, so many Americans seem to LIKE being divided. That's why they support Trump. I don't understand anyone who wants division...but I've always been a peace maker. I will always do whatever I need to do to keep the peace, so I never understand people who would rather live in stress and chaos.

His strategy is to pray on the poor and the less educated. Much like a religious cult. That’s why in the beginning he repeated his lies as a chant . This will make it truth to the weak minded. The more it’s said the more it is believed as truth. I believe he was coached by Putan on how to brainwash people. Because he did a great job and he’s not that smart to do that. Look how now since he can’t call Putan how he is messing up. This is just my opinion . All we can hope is he fails badly this time.

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