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Trump's Coronavirus Has Killed More Americans Than World War One + Vietnam + 9/11 + Charles Manson Combined. And Now #InfectedDonald is Spreading The Disease to His Followers.

I See on TV That It Really Angers Trump That All The TV Stations Do is Talk Abut Coronavirus and His Failure... 

Great! I'll Just Share this Message on Social Media to Help Drive Him Crazy! Trump is Losing, Time is Running Out and there is NO HOPE... #TotalFailureTrump

Trump's Legacy = DEATH meme

and then JJ Jim Johnson Said: 

Trump calls on Barr to appoint special prosecutor to investigate The Bidens before Election Day.
1. The most corrupt president in my lifetime calls every opponent corrupt.  It's simply because that's what he's been corrupt his entire lifetime and he naturally thinks everyone else is too.
2. He knows he losing and is frantically trying to deflect and corrupt the election with false, unfounded, uncorroborated claims. It's his usual MO. 
3. After he loses, lets' replace Barr and investigate him, put him in jail and pay the inmates to grab his pussy.

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