Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Cosmic Art Show - Absurdist Images created in Potatoshop by Greg Vanderlaan

Drummers at HSU encased in Luminous Eggs of power... 
a la Castaneda

Here is a Parargraph from My novel "The Violet Overgrow."
"Wow" Said Susan... "That Might Be Interesting! Let's Smoke Some." 

and she went into a Dream World... She Imagined That She was in an OCCUPATION of 555 California Street, San Francisco. She Remembered that Donald Trump Owned 30% of that Building... and That He Was Having TROUBLE Collecting the Rent... Because EVERYONE WAS FLEEING SAN FRANCISCO due to The Coronavirus and There Was an Excess of Office Space... Many People were Working from Home on their own Computers and... Frankly Speaking, If There was a Great FIRE and the building BURNED TO THE GROUND... Trump Would Collect More from The Insurance Company Than The Building was Worth... So That's Why People Were Staging an OCCUPATION... No One Could Commit ARSON While People Were Inside... It's the Same Philosophy as Tree Sitters used In Humboldt County To Protect The Redwoods!

and then The Mushrooms wore off and she realized that she was in West Virginia on a Farm... 

"Hey! I Gotta make a Phone Call... and Tell "Red" Sonya To Organize a Protest! OCCUPY 555 California Street, SF, CA!"

Text Art Smiley - Grateful Dead Logo

Carson Mansion

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