Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

213,000 Dead Americans from Trumps Coronavirus SO FAR - More Dead Tomorrow - No End In Sight - No Plan - NOTHING - TOTAL FAILURE - INSANITY


#TrumpHasFailed - 213,000 Dead Americans SO FAR - meme - gvan42

Hallucinations Seen as Another Troubling COVID-19 Symptom... Doctors say hallucinations caused by the virus may last weeks, and vary from subtle to traumatic... For Example #TrumpsRoidRage is Making Him #TweetCRAZY! 

Medicare For All Works Better, Costs Less. 

Just Look at Canada, They Live Longer. 

#InfectedDonald is Ready to INFECT MORE Republicans... Coughing Trump tells Hannity he's healthy and ready to hold rallies...

Daily definition....VOTER INTIMIDATION - under the law as the use of threats, coercion, or attempts to intimidate for the purpose of interfering with the right of another person to vote or to vote for the person of their choosing. - Thanks to My Pal on Facebook... "JDG"

420 Vote4Joe He's Not Insane Header for Blogger ROY G BV

In the Republican War on Science - Science is Winning - meme - gvan42

Republican COVID Bingo meme - gvan42

Is Mike Pence Infected - RED EYE - meme - gvan42

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