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Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff: 'We are not going to control the pandemic' - WHY NOT ASK THE SOUTH KOREANS HOW TO RUN A COUNTRY? They Controlled the Pandemic... DUH...

#InfectedDonald Trump Holds More Super Spreader Rallies Against CDC Guidelines...

Anti-Trump meme Funeral Industry Job Gains

The White House is also facing a potential second outbreak of the virus after at least five people in Pence's inner circle have tested positive in recent days, according to a source familiar with the situation.

"tRUMP'S responsible for throwing away the pandemic response playbook, discrediting the leading experts in the field, dismantling the CDC, defunding WHO, putting Mike Pence in charge who bungled the AIDS response when he was governor, having his idiot son in law make decisions that punished blue states and kept PPE from hospitals, not having a federal response to the Pandemic and downplaying the severity of it by mocking masks and holding gatherings and rallies that have turned into super spreaders.  Because of him tens of thousands have died." David Steven Simon

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