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Trump Plans to Wreck ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT... The Act that Saved the Bald Eagle... Republicans say that Corporate Profit is more important than animals or plants... PURE EVIL

The Trump administration is rolling back parts of the Endangered Species Act...

“This proposal turns the extinction-prevention tool of the Endangered Species Act into a rubber stamp for powerful corporate interests,” Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity

 The 1973 law was passed with strong bipartisan support and has an impressive record of bringing species like the bald eagle and the humpback whale back from the brink of extinction. Today it provides protections for more than 1,600 plants and animals, as well as the habitats critical to their survival.

Green Forest brand Toilet Paper is an alternative to Koch Brothers products. 100% recycled. Remember: Koch Brothers are In Favor of EVIL...

Sure, we may want to boycott Brawny and Angel Soft but... what are the choices?

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