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#InfectedDonald tRUMP Held Another Super Spreader Rally. Increasing Danger for His Supporters. Trump's Coronavirus is Infecting Republicans in Record Numbers. BEHAVE SMART OR DIE...


Trump Rally - Spread The Disease Screamer - meme - gvan42
It's Likely That the GOP Will Go Extinct... This Behavior Reminds My Of Jonestown - Drinking Cyanide Kool Aid... Well, Thanks for Killing Yourself! We Will Dance on Your Grave!

The Results of the 2020 Election are Showing Massive Turnout by Democrats... It's Obvious that We Will Win the House, Senate and the Presidency... and Thousands of Local and State Elections... The GOP Will Be Out of Power For at Least 20 Years... Old White Men Dying from Natural Causes... and Massive Infections of Idiot TrumpNiks... Most Voters are Young People, Women, College Graduates or Minorities... and All Those Groups are Overwhelmingly Democratic.

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Lamento que tenga dificultades para entender mis publicaciones ... Quizás tengamos más éxito si escribo en su lengua nativa ... Trump ha fracasado ... Desempleo masivo ... Bancarrotas comerciales interminables ... Sr.Personas Han muerto por el coronavirus de Trump que la Primera Guerra Mundial, Vietnam, el 11 de septiembre y Charles Manson COMBINADOS ... Vote por Biden ... Ponga fin a la locura ANTES de que Trump provoque el colapso económico mundial...

and Then on Facebook... Bobby Dickey Said:

The last 4 yrs, trump has demonstrated through his actions, that he does not care about the 90% of the people. From his 1.3 trillion dollar tax cut ,of which most went to his rich buddies and corporations, to his continuous abhorrent treatment of the military and veterans. His relentless efforts to remove healthcare for millions. His current budget includes billions of cuts to SS, Medicare and Medicaid. No concern for the people struggling to survive ,as he repeatedly denied assistance to the 90% during the pandemic. His unwillingness to act on the seriousness of covid19, because he was more concerned with the stock market as well as his reelection concerns. Now, he is actively engaged in putting the lives of his supporters at risk, because he insists on rallies for his own ego. His plan for herd immunity will likely kill 2 million people, and he knows this. HE SIMPLY DOES NOT CARE..

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