Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Bigfoot - The True Story - Son Speaks Out about the Patterson/Gimlin Film - Police Sketch Artist Interviews Witnesses and All the Drawings Looked the Same...

There was a large man who ran away from his job at the California Conservation Corps near Eureka, CA. He lived in the woods fishing the Trinity River and took a Hoopa Lady as a wife. Her father made up the story of Bigfoot to explain the abduction of his daughter. It's a better story than "the white man stole her". Real Man, Exaggerated story.

Bigfoot Mural in Willow Creek, CA on a Whitewater Rafting Company Warehouse

Famous Bigfoot Film by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin.

At the man's funeral, his son said that the movie was a fake. The other people who lived in Willow Creek objected strongly to his stating the truth in public. So he retracted his statement. There are many tourist business that depend on the Bigfoot Legend to bring customers to remote Humboldt County.

The Legend of Bigfoot Redwood Chainsaw Carving Store on Highway 101

I read a book about Bigfoot where the author interviewed many Hoopa Indians. He brought a Police Sketch Artist along with him and the Indians described what Bigfoot looked like... ALL THE PICTURES LOOKED THE SAME... None of the People Interviewed Knew What their Neighbor's Sketches Looked Like... a Totally Honest Experiment...

Harvey Pratt Bigfoot art

Bigfoot Sketch by Harvey Pratt

bigfoot-museum Willow Creek

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Great Backpacking Trips in Northern California

Hetch Hetchy: A level path goes around the lake. A good place to camp about 5 miles in. We used it as a base camp for "free climbing" granite. Be careful of accidentally slipping into the river... I did upstream of Wapama Falls.

Link to Google Map:,+California+95321/@37.9429661,-119.765467,12z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x80971f8a91c736fd:0x423983ee122b8b47

Canoe Creek Trail - Avenue of the Giants - Humboldt County.
A hidden footbridge over the Eel River lets a person explore in a virtually human free zone. Walk from the Garden Club of America Grove to the river, walk upstream about a quarter of a mile and That's where the footbridge is...  The Roads and civilization are all on the other side of the river... I Don't Know if that Bridge is Still There... However, One Day I Was Feeling Stressed and When I Got to The Other Side of The EEL... I Felt Relaxed... 

Link to Google Map:,-123.898538,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0000000000000000:0x49a50404452ac4ab?hl=en

In 1972 we went backpacking in the Yolla Bolly Middle Eel Wilderness. Liz Dunbar, myself and two brothers. The brothers were hang gliders. I wonder what ever happened to them. We had a great time. The brothers taught us an acapella singing technique. One person would act as a conductor and whenever he pointed at you, you sang your short bit. A percussive scat singing... like "dink ka dink ka do wah", "badda badda shoop shoop" or "diddy wah diddy"... Then the conductor would sing an improvised melody.

Link to the map on Google:,-124.3261205,8z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x54d4a7fe0bdc6501:0x2ead91827000bd48?hl=en

Another great place to backpack is Hobo Gulch in the Trinity Alps off #299. Joe Franck showed me where is was... Granite, Cold Crystal Clear Lakes... melted snow.... Above timber line we navigated using topo maps and just walked where there were no trails...

Link to the map on Google:,-123.1555172,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x54d23113a261e7af:0x942df68dd1f5e5d5?hl=en

Big Sur: Sykes Camp Hot Springs. 12 mile hike in at Pfeiffer State Park on the Pine Ridge Trail up the Big Sur River. Very Hot dry difficult hike. Take two days... Stay at Barlow Flats to rest... Ranger maintained and totally natural hot spring seats 4 comfortably. There is a Parking Lot at the Big Sur Trailhead... 

Link to the map on Google:,-121.7780059,16z?hl=en

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