Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving Interest in The 1619 Project Again... Now, It's a GOP CANCEL CULTURE CAUSE! He Wants the US Government to BAN Teaching the History of Slavery in the USA... In Public Schools...

The 1619 Project is a long-form journalism project developed by Nikole Hannah-Jones, writers from The New York Times, and The New York Times Magazine which "aims to reframe the country's history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of the United States' national narrative."


Historical Marker: 1619 First Africans in America - Remember the Pilgrims Arrived in 1620
Historical Marker: 1619 First Africans in America
Remember: the Pilgrims Arrived in 1620
at Plymouth Rock... Widely Taught in History Class

Nikole Hannah-Jones Responds To Republican Efforts To Censor 1619 Project:

The Pulitzer-winning journalist said efforts to censor the project, which examines American racism since 1619, are about “trying to prohibit the teaching of ideas they don’t like.”

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Hey TrumpNiks® Are You Tired of Everybody Laughing at You? Simply #RUNAWAY from the GOP... Stop Believing Lies!

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and in other news: 

Newsmax issued a retraction and apology on its website saying it found "no evidence" that earlier claims about Coomer and the 2020 election were true. [Trump's Big Lie That The Election was Stolen]

Newsmax Issues Retraction And Apology To Dominion Employee Over Election Stories... CAUGHT! Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

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Please Email Your Elected Representatives and Say: "Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All The Cannabis Prisoners." or at the very Least, Like and Share this Post. 

---> Let's End CrazyLaws® <---

More Money Going Into the Government from VOLUNTARY Taxes, Less Wasted on Law Enforcement and Incarceration. I Wouldn't Pay a Penny because I Don't Smoke... I Sure Am Tired of Paying $40,000 a Year Per Prisoner to Lock 'em UP for WEED...

In General, I DO NOT DO EVIL... and That Includes Enforcing Crazy Laws... I Question How some Laws Happened... For Example: Richard Nixon's "War on Drugs" was Designed to Arrest People That Were Protesting Against The War in Vietnam... also Arrest People for Being Black... I Ask Were The Laws Passed in order to Satisfy Corporations that Bribed Politicians? Like: Magic Mushrooms are Illegal BUT Therapeutic  for Mental Health Problems... Big Pharma Would Lose a Lot Of Business is People JUST GOT HEALED... Their Goal is to Sell Pills and Pills that Do Not Work are Certain to Get REPEAT CUSTOMERS... "Just Take It For Another Couple of Months and It'll Help You." or another Couple of YEARS...

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SG Posted on The Facebook RAM DASS Group: 

What do you think Ram Dass’ position is on pickled okra?

Great Question! I Often See Posts about Bizarre Subjects Here... and I Appreciate the Absurdist Mockery! For Example: There was a Long and Boring Debate About Vegetarianism... As If anyone Cares What you Eat...  

I have a serious question from what I have experienced visually. Has Anyone ever closed their eyes and seen spinning mandalas? This has happened to me in a span of two years every now and the I could close my eyes and this mandala would appear after I closed my eyes and lay down. I'd sit there and just watch them spinning while I am highly entertained. I'd watch them for as long as I could.

I Replied! I see Magic Geometric Patterns in Orange and Black when I Close My Eyes... I Consider it a Blessing... But I Have Difficulty Gazing at Stars at Night Because I See Fantastic Patterns in the Sky... I only see the VERY Brightest Stars and Planets... I also Love to do Psychedelic Art on Potatoshop and I Seem to Get Visuals when I Look Away from the Computer...

The Beatles asked the Question and Answered it... in a Song Lyric... "What do you see when you turn out the Light? - I Can't Tell You But I Know It's Mine."

What does Ram Dass say about people or what will happen to people who lie a lot?

I am related to a prolific liar; he believes all the lies he spins and the lies always reach more ears than the truth. It has previously caused a lot of emotional pain in my family. We have forgiven, forgiven and forgiven. Recently, it has all come to a head; I have walked away from this liar and let the people who believe his falsehoods go too. I have taken responsibility for my part. But this is the end and the pattern will now stop repeating. Myself and my little family are moving forward without the toxicity the lies have caused. We have spoken our truth.

I have meditated, chanted and prayed and the answer has come to me mainly through this group.

I am now happy because I know I have the strength within me to stop my part in the circle of lies and hatred.

I forgive them all, move on with love in my life and now know that the things that have hurt and frustrated me are attachment to people that have no love and respect.

That's their issue to deal with. They are working out their Karma. I've learned the lessons that I previously haven't and now I'm free.

Don't worry about what they're saying. Care about what you are thinking saying and doing. Tis' the truth and love that sets us free ❤

I Replied: That Sounds a LOT Like Donald Trump! Remember: It Takes Two People to Make a Lie Work. The CON MAN and The CHUMP... So... Step #1 is To Stop Believing Lies... 

I Don't Believe in Karma... It seems like a "Convenient" excuse Thought up by Rich People to Explain Why it's OK For Poor People to Starve... Look at the Caste System in India... EXCEPT INSTANT KARMA... I Believe that the Reason Dick Cheney had Four Heart Attacks was That He Behaved EVIL... and What Goes Around Comes Around... 

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Thank You Joe Biden... 

The Vaccine is Working and America Is BACK! 

We Survived Four Horrible Years With #TotalFailureDonald - Except the Half a Million People Who Died from That "HOAX" Disease... ANYWAY... HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!

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