Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Since Climate Change Causes MASSIVE WILDFIRES in the Western USA... Maybe We Ought to Actually DO SOMETHING! It's Likely That THIS SUMMER Will Be The Worst Ever!

Here are Some Simple Actions ANYONE Can Take!

Stop Flying in Airplanes... Drive Cars and Trucks Less - WAY LESS... Buy Used Clothes...  Buy Used Stuff... Eat Less Meat... 

The Coronavirus Proved that We CAN TAKE ACTION if We Realize That there is a REAL PROBLEM... Right Now We Have Record Heat all Over the West...

Greta Thunberg - Climate Change Activist

Wildfires ARE Coming THIS SUMMER To The Western USA... The Only thing I Can Think of Doing NOW is to #RUNAWAY to The Cool, Rainy Coast of NorCal and Oregon... Yes, That will work for ME But There are 300 Million Americans is Danger of Super Extreme Weather... Droughts and Heat Out West, Hurricanes and Tornadoes Back East... Rising Ocean Waters in Miami and New York City... and Just Look at Texas... Extreme Cold Plus Corporate Greed Caused a Disaster... 

MAGA Greta Embroidered Hat - Charity - zazzle gregvan

This is the Charity that I'm Fundraising with My Zazzle Store. 
Please Help a Retired Lady Living on Social Security Make Ends Meet. The Rent on Her Trailer Space Just Increased... For No Reason... Greedy Landlords...

HEADLINE: After a gap of more than four years, the Environmental Protection Agency is relaunching a website highlighting evidence of climate change in the United States, including rising temperatures, increased ocean acidity, sea level rise, river flooding, droughts, heat waves and wildfires. 

EPA Data Kept Secret Under Trump Shows Climate Crisis Becoming 'More Evident, Stronger, and Extreme' --- "Combating climate change—it's not optional. It's essential," said EPA Administrator Michael Regan.

What CAN We Do To Prevent Climate Change? 
Please Write Some Practical Suggestion in the Comments Area or Email Me at gregvan[at]yahoo[dot] com 

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for example:
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New Bicycle-Powered Business Offers Compost Pickup for Arcata Residents...  

“What we call ‘food waste’ is actually a resource. Society tacitly supports an industrial system that earns millions of dollars hauling away and then burying this resource in landfills. Instead, we should be using this resource to build our soils, store carbon, and grow healthy food.”

– Morgan King, Full Cycle Compost Worker-Owner

Solar Powered Desalination - Change Ocean Water into Pure H20, Electricity and Salt
Solar Powered Desalination
Change Ocean Water into
Pure H20, Electricity and Salt

Solar Powered Desalination Factory in Hawaii
Solar Powered Desalination Factory in Hawaii

Hey Farmers! Simply Grow Your Cannabis OUTDOORS IN THE FREE SUNSHINE and There is NO Need for Electric Grow Lights. That Electricity Has To Come from SOMEWHERE... Causing Pollution... Causing Climate Change...

Coal Burning Power Plants, Nukes, Biomass, Natural Gas... And They All Cause Pollution... There Already Exists a Perfect Light Source Designed to Use The Photosynthesis That Evolved in Plants over Billions of Years! USE IT!

Mushroom Cloud at the Fairhaven Biomass Electric Power Plant Near Eureka, CA - gvan42
Mushroom Cloud at the Fairhaven Biomass
Electric Power Plant Near Eureka, CA - gvan42

Since Sun Valley Floral Farms Has GIANT GRENHOUSES they will not need electric powered gro-lights like most farms us indoors... Ecological Marijuana Farming using Free Sunshine.

HEADLINE: Arcata Bottom mega-grow in the works.

Arcata Land Company, LLC, an entity controlled by Lane Devries of Sun Valley Floral Farm, is seeking county approval for a 38-acre cannabis cultivation operation on two parcels located between 27th Street and Foster Avenue (see map). 

LINK TO BUY THE "Make America Groovy Again" EMBROIDERED HAT:

"Make America Groovy Again" Embroidered Hat

HEADLINE: EPA scraps Trump rule that weakened air pollution regulations... 
Trump LOVED Air Pollution! 


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