Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Farmville Game - a relaxing way to wind down after work - similar to playing with a "Perky Pat Layout" from a Philip K Dick Science Fiction Story "Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch"

Dragon made of Farm Animals on Farmville Game
The Farmville Game provided me with an Escape from Reality during a time when I was working at a very stressful job. Just like Miners on Mars in the classic Science Fiction Story... 

Come Home, Plug In and Fantasize in my Ideal World. Zynga, a San Francisco Tech Company designed this game to appeal to aging baby boomers... 

My avatar was Captain Trips... as if I was Jerry Garcia dressed in a Red, White and Blue Top Hat was playing the game... we went to Outer Space and a Haunted House and to a Beach Community where I raised Whales and Dolphins... 

The Company Sold Especially Wonderful Animals for Cash or as a Bonus Reward for Shopping at Online Businesses... OR... I could earn High Quality Animals for Playing the Game... So I designed Automatic Farming Strategies to win Super-Dooper Animals, Buildings and Trees... Here is a link to a strategy page...

Here is a page about fixing an annoying bug in the game... 
The waiting for edge chat error...
Basically, delete cookies restart game.

trees planted to form a peace sign
Captain Trips and the Drumming Bears

Rainbow Bridge and Spa Bear

Captain Trips visits the Magic Mushroom Tree

Playing with Model Trains on the Computer
Captain Trips and Mao's Fish
Dancing Trees
Skunk Train in Willits California
Surfing Duck watching the Turtle Invasion
Drive Thru Redwood Tree
Man and Dinosaur Living together in Harmony
The Flintstones was right!
No Nukes in the Farmville Game.
In Our Ideal World we use Solar and Wind.

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