Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Farmville Tip: Grow Soybeans to Create Farmhands in the Craftshop. - Captain Trips and the Drumming Bears

Captain Trips and The Drumming Bears 
go to the beach...

During the last few years of my working at the County of Humboldt, I really got into playing Farmville on the computer... My job was stressful and depressing and it was wonderful to go visit a totally artificial world... Actually, it reminded me of the legendary "Perky Pat Layouts" of the Philip K Dick Story "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch". 
Total Escape from my Bleak Life...

Only in a video game world does this work. 
In reality, people use sex to create farmhands... 

In Farmville, Farmhands are made of Bushels of Cotton, 
Soybeans and baskets of Cherries... 

In Fairy Tales:

Slugs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of.

Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.

Remember, Plant Cotton as there is no Hemp in Farmville...
Without Cotton, how can we make clothes for the Farmhands?
We certainly don't want naked Farmhands...
They would get Sunburned working in the fields all day.
Great Mushroom Art on Farmville… 
 I guess that when the game designers live in San Francisco, 
they are sure to wear flowers in their hair…  

More about Farmville:

Origin of the name 
Country Joe and the Fish.
and now for something completely different...

What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it is Woodstock with amateur musicians and I’m in the band…
Thousands of people go backpacking for a couple of weeks… Every year during the end of June and the beginning of July… The location is different every year but it is always in a National Forest… It’s an intentional temporary village…

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