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Preventing California's Wildfires: Stop Climate Change OR Increase Logging to remove fuel? Or Do Both? We Are Burning Up Now and Next Year Will BE WORSE.

Interior Secretary Zinke says that increasing logging would make people safer because there would be fewer trees to burn... and firefighters could put out the fires easier... Of course, if we simply used ONE THOUSAND helicopters to dump water on the fires we could put them out. Why not bring all the Helicopters home from the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Africa? We could employ the soldiers as firefighters... bring them home and keep them safe...

Do not increase logging in the Redwood Forest. We are logging at a good rate already. The people that run the Pacific Lumber (Now known as Humboldt Redwood Company and Mendocino Redwood Company) are doing a fine job already. No Logging of OLD GROWTH... Cut only as much as grows every year and we can log forever. Redwoods grow in a cool and rainy climate and we have not had a lot of wildfires here...

Should we remove trees in Pine, Oak and Douglas Fir forests in order to reduce hazards? Does that makes sense at all. The people at "The Earth Island Institute" say that increased logging does not make us safer...

But Pine, Oak and Fir trees grow quickly and if we cut down the forest... or "Thin" the forest (as Zinke says) we can plant new trees and they will grow quickly... We do use boards to build houses... but there is no real need to Log OLD GROWTH REDWOODS for lumber... It is possible to build a fine home without Redwood Boards... Why NOT log pine, oak and Fir forests?

Bill Relies on Fear of Wildfires to Expedite Logging on Public Lands.

HR 2936 was pushed through the House by lawmakers whose campaigns are bankrolled by the logging industry


that dead trees do not increase the occurrence or intensity of wild fires? 

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