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PARAQUAT LAWSUITS on TV? In The 1970s The US Government Had Mexico Spray Paraquat on the Marijuana Crop in an Attempt to Stop the Importation... That Plan Failed as The Mexicans Imported the NOW POISONOUS Plants Anyway...

And in 2021 I See Many Advertisements for Lawyers that Offer to SUE for You... Because Paraquat CAUSES DISEASE! Mostly to Farmworkers that Spray the Poison on Crops... That Reminded Me of The Dark Days of American History when The US Government Intentionally Poisoned The Youth of America...

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"Paraquat pot" During the late 1970s, a controversial program sponsored by the US government sprayed paraquat on cannabis fields in Mexico.[38] Following Mexican efforts to eradicate marijuana and poppy fields in 1975, the United States government helped by sending helicopters and other technological assistance. Helicopters were used to spray the herbicides paraquat and 2,4-D on the fields; marijuana contaminated with these substances began to show up in US markets, leading to debate about the program.[39]

The State Department — despite knowing that paraquat concentrates in the lungs even when ingested orally, and despite knowing that the herbicide could be fatal in tiny amounts — agreed to the plan and delivered the helicopters and at least $16 million in US taxpayer funding for the program. Some believe there should be a wider lawsuit against Paraquat makers.

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The Paraquat Pot Plot: The eradication of marijuana use in the US — a top priority in the Nixon administration — drove the US government to send several helicopters and planes to the Mexican government in 1970 with a request that they be used to spray herbicides on marijuana crops in an effort to limit the supply coming into the US.


Due to US government policies that started in the 1970s and extended through most of the 1980s, marijuana fields were being sprayed with a chemical that can actually kill you.
The chemical, known as “paraquat,” is an herbicide sprayed over marijuana fields in Mexico in the 1970s—with the aid of US money and US-provided helicopters—and over marijuana fields in Georgia in the 1980s under the direction of the Reagan Administration... Paraquat Pot: The True Story Of How The US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical In The 1980s

In 1978, after years of attempting to reassure Americans that smoking paraquat-tainted marijuana was safe, US Secretary of Health Education and Welfare Joseph Califano announced that new tests found that heavy smokers of tainted weed could develop irreversible lung damage and that even moderate users could develop “clinically measurable damage.”

It took a 1978 lawsuit from the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws to force the US Government to suspend funding for paraquat-spraying in Mexico until a comprehensive health study of its effects could be performed. 1980s: Reagan Administration Sprays Crops in Georgia A scandal erupted in the state of Georgia in 1983 when it was uncovered that law enforcement officials had aided in smuggling drugs from south of the border into the USA. They had also facilitated the planting and cultivation of giant weed farms in Georgia’s Chattahoochee Forest. In retaliation, the Reagan Administration ordered US helicopters to spray these weed plantations with paraquat and the DEA vowed to extend the practice to wherever weed was being grown in the USA. For many, purposely damaging the lungs of pot smokers—perhaps fatally—was a punishment that far exceeded the crime. One critic likened the practice to placing land mines in NO PARKING zones.

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Remember Kids: The US Government is Lying to You When they Say Marijuana is as Safe as Heroin... Both are Schedule #1 Drugs with "No Medical Use" - Except The US Patent Office Granted Patent #6630507 for Medical use of Marijuana... In Reality; Heroin is Very Dangerous. People Actually Die from Overdoses... Unlike Marijuana... And the REAL Danger is When Kids Realize that the US Government is a LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE... Most Stop Believing Their Words of Wisdom! Even When the US Government is Telling the Truth!

Another Question I Have is about The MOTIVE for Incarcerating Hispanic and Black Men by The Hundreds of Thousands... Is it Genocide? It's Unlikely that a Man In Prison will become a Father... DUH... and So The EFFECT of Mass Incarceration is to Keep that DNA Out of the Gene Pool... and a Gradual WHITENING of The People of the USA...

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