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Even though his Own Children Breathe, Trump Plans to relax Air Pollution Laws on Coal Fired Power Plants Allowing more Poison into the Air.

One "Feature" of Trump's Plan is to allow individual states to write their own air pollution laws... However, the wind blows air pollution across state borders... and across national borders... and across oceans... we are all one beneath the infinite sun.

The Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday is expected to formally announce its replacement for the Clean Power Plan, a signature policy designed to fight climate change that was supported by President Barack Obama.

The new plan will include measures aimed at making it easier for electricity produced from coal to compete with natural gas and renewable sources, such as eliminating rules that would require coal plants to install pollution-reducing technology, according to The Wall Street Journal, which received an advance copy of the plan.

Trump’s remarks came amid new plans to replace Obama-era climate policies with new regulations devised to ensure coal-burning plants run harder and operate for longer, leading to more harmful emissions.


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