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Great Book: In an Age when No One Reads... "Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World" by Maryanne Wolf

Reading allows a person to be exposed to ideas that they do not already know. It is possible to expand a persons understanding of the world by reading books, magazines, newspapers and 'zines. Simply watching TV exposes people to ideas that benefit the corporations that own the networks. For Example: TV News is designed to provide viewers to advertisers. THAT'S THE ENTIRE GOAL. They will say whatever causes people to watch. and they will never show anything that would make someone change the channel.

Books and Magazines and Newspapers and 'zines... show a vastly different array of ideas. It is possible to self publish whatever a writer thinks. and then if they are able to sell copies of their words and drawings they can found a newspaper. For Example: The Berkeley Barb, the Detroit Free Press, The Village Voice... ZAP Comix, and The Whole Earth Catalog.
Reader, Come Home is a roadmap that provides a cautionary but hopeful perspective on the impact of technology on our brains and our most essential intellectual capacities—and what this could mean for our future.

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