Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Impeach Trump Now. Write to your Senators and Representatives and tell them YOUR opinion. Here is How...

You can contact your senators by writing a letter or a message using your senator's web contact form, by calling, or by visiting. 

Link to Senators Contact Webpage: 

Link to Contact Your Representative in Congress: 


Please Impeach Trump. 

Michael Cohen said that Trump directed him to make Hush Money Payments to two women for the principal purpose of influencing the election.

Trump is doing serious harm to our environment. We ought to completely shut down all coal mines and coal fired power plants and replace them with Solar and Wind energy systems. The air pollution from cars and trucks is causing global warming and climate change. We ought to build more fuel efficient vehicles. 

No Oil Drilling off the coast. No Fracking. No Mining in National Monuments... 

I like Senator Elizabeth Warners Bills about Ending Corruption in Government and Fixing Capitalism... 

I believe Medicare for All would cost people less money than our current for-profit Health Insurance System. 

Let's NOT Arm Teachers with Guns. Let's Outlaw Automatic Rifles. Let's LOOK AT who is funding the NRA. Now they have SECRET DONORS... 

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax it and use the money to pay for better schools. 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients decide for themselves what the best treatment is. 

End the Wars in Afghanistan, Syria and all those other countries I don't know about. 

Keep Abortion Legal. Vote against Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court. 

End Trump's Trade Wars. Tariffs are doing damage to American Farmers and Workers.  Could Cause Global Economic Collapse.

Thanks: [Your Name Here]

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