Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Since there are NO ACTUAL JOBS Designing or Building Nuclear Power Plants, Most Physics Graduates Write Newspaper and Magazine Articles About HOW GREAT ATOMIC ENERGY IS and How We Really Ought to Build Some Power Plants... Sometimes they Make Youtube Videos!

Remember: Every Year There are Fewer and Fewer Nuclear Power Plants Because the ACTUAL Professionals That Work at ACTUAL Power Companies All Say NO NUKES! Solar and Wind is Cheaper Per Kilowatt and Hey, This is a Business and We Have a Duty to Make a Profit! 

NO NUKES! All of them Create Radioactive Waste That is Impossible to Dispose of... Here in Sacramento, CA We Pay $5,000,000 a Year to Store SMUD's Waste From a Plant that Closed in the 1970s... Remember: The Engineers at PG&E, SoCal Edison and SMUD all REJECT NUCLEAR POWER because it's Too Expensive... $9.2 Billion Dollars to Clean up San Onofre and Diablo Canyon and... CUSTOMERS PAY THAT BILL!

CUTE NO NUKES Cartoon: Remember Solar and Wind are Simple, Cheap and Safe...

600 wide NO NUKES - atomic power symbol - coloring book art  by greg vanderlaan
NO NUKES - atomic power symbol -
Free coloring book art by gvan42

On a Different Subject...

I Like Voting. I Believe That Democracy is Better Than Monarchy. Republicans Keep On Promoting Minority Rule... "Father Knows Best" - Just Let Rich White Men Rule...

Stop Believing Lies! Joe Rogan (Not a Doctor) Spreads Anti-Vaccine Misinformation... Dr. Anthony Fauci called the podcast host's recent comments about young people and COVID-19 vaccines "incorrect."

Domino Theory Cartoon - a Now Discredited cold war policy
Long Ago People Played a Board Game Called Dominos... 
Clever People Stood the Tiles Up on End and It
was Possible to Cause Many Tiles to Fall Down by
Pushing on ONE... at the Beginning of the Series...

History Proved that Ike's DOMINO THEORY was Wrong... In Fact, It Was a Government Lie Designed to FOOL Conservatives...  

TOTALLY BOGUS! The domino theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a perfectly aligned row of dominos. THE USA LOST THE VIETNAM WAR AND NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!

Why are Conservatives SO EASILY FOOLED? Well, Many Wish That a Father Figure Would Make All The Tough Decisions in Life... That Way, If Something Goes Wrong... They Can Say, I Was Just Following Orders and It's Not My Fault... That Excuse Works Almost Every Time... EXCEPT for Nazi Soldiers at the Nuremberg Trials Where... Murdering 6 Million Jews in Concentration Camps Turned Out To ACTUALLY BE Their Fault... 

In Southeast Asia, the U.S. government used the now-discredited domino theory to justify its involvement in the Vietnam War and its support for a non-communist dictator in South Vietnam...  

This is a short video exploring Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon all using the Domino Theory as the steering point for continued conflict in Vietnam.

The Red Scare played a huge role in the Vietnam War and the lesser known Secret War, waged concurrently in neighboring Laos. President Dwight D. Eisenhower feared that if Laos fell to Communism, the entire Eastern Hemisphere would become a threat to democracy. To secure the Vietnamese border, the CIA recruited Hmong people to fight as surrogate soldiers of the U.S. armed forces.

This clip is from "America's Secret War," a documentary produced as part of the Minnesota Remembers Vietnam initiative. To learn more, visit

By the middle of the 1950s American fears of the global spread of communism were being realized. In China the Communist Party had taken control, while the Korean War had ended with an armistice that split the country in two and with a communist in the government in the north. In Indochina, better known as Vietnam, France had struggled to regain colonial control in the aftermath of the Second World War. By 1954 they were facing imminent defeat against the Vietnamese nationalists under communist Ho Chi Minh, something that the American government feared would provide communism with a springboard into Southeast Asia. 

America had already adopted the Truman Doctrine, in which it committed to support anti-communist groups, and at a news conference on 7 April 1954 Eisenhower laid the groundwork for US involvement in Vietnam. He began by explaining how the country held economic importance for America, and how there was the threat of a dictatorial takeover. He concluded his argument by explaining what he called the ‘falling domino principle’ in which he likened the spread of communism in Southeast Asia to a row of dominoes quickly collapsing after the first one falls.

Within a month of the news conference French forces had lost the Battle of Dien Bien Phu and, at the subsequent Geneva Conference, they agreed to leave Vietnam and divide the country at the 17th parallel. Although Eisenhower’s speech consequently had little immediate effect, it laid the foundations for America’s later involvement in Vietnam as both John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson used the domino theory to justify their intervention.

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