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CIA Cocaine Contra - The US Government Imported Cocaine by the Ton in order to Fund Reagan's War in Nicaragua. Investigations and Hearings Were Held... CONCLUSION: Yes, the CIA DID Import VAST Quantities of Cocaine... NO, we can't change History... They PROMISE to not do it again... Really... Scout's Honor!

 Gary Webb wrote the Initial Newspaper article that Exposed The US Government.  This was at the time that Ronald Reagan [Mr Alzheimer's] Started the Failed War on Drugs... Just Say NO!

After Congress stopped funding the War in Nicaragua, the Reagan Administration turned to Cocaine Smuggling and Arms Sales to generate money to finance the Contras. Most famous was the Iran/Contra Hearings that exposed weapon sales to Iran but The CIA ALSO imported Cocaine and sold it as "CRACK" Nationwide. A newspaper reporter named Gary Webb wrote a series of Expose Articles leading to Congressional Hearings that ultimately lead to Public Acknowledgement by The US Government that, YES, WE IMPORTED VAST QUANTITIES OF COCAINE in the 1980s but that is History and Some Bad Employees Did Evil in the Past  and We Promise Not To Do It Again... REALLY! No one in CIA Leadership was arrested but Low Level Drug Dealers did do time. Specifically , Freeway Rick Ross... 

YES, THE CIA DID IMPORT COCAINE BY THE TON TO FINANCE THE WAR IN NICARAGUA... Since the CIA Contra-cocaine scandal surfaced in 1985, major U.S. news outlets have disparaged it, most notably when the big newspapers destroyed Gary Webb for reviving it in 1996. But a New York Times review of a movie on Webb finally admits the reality...

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CIA involvement in trafficking is usually alleged to be connected to the Contra war in Nicaragua and the Iran–Contra affair during the Reagan Administration. In 1986 its spokesman acknowledged that funds from sales of cocaine smuggled into the US had helped fund the Contra rebels, but said that the smuggling was not authorized by the US government or resistance leaders.[1]

The Subcommittee "did not find that Contra leaders were personally involved in drug trafficking,"[2] but it did find "substantial evidence" of drug smuggling by "individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots, mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters."[2] 

The Kerry Committee report found that "the Contra drug links included ".... Payments to drug traffickers by the U.S. State Department of funds authorized by the Congress for humanitarian assistance to the Contras, in some cases after the traffickers had been indicted by federal law enforcement agencies on drug charges, in others while traffickers were under active investigation by these same agencies."[3] The US State Department paid over $806,000 to known drug traffickers to carry humanitarian assistance to the Contras.[4]

The CIA, the drug dealers, and the tragedy of Gary Webb
In 1996, journalist Gary Webb began looking into links between Nicaragua's drug-running Contra rebels and the CIA. As a recent film shows, what he found killed him...

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