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LINK! https://www.zazzle.com/store/gregvan?qs=Trump |
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and Now for Something Completely Different!
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Since I Registered to Vote, the Government Now Knows Where I Live and They Summoned Me For Jury Service... I Still Think Voting is a Good Idea... but... I Really Don't Like The Government Knowing Where I Live... NONE of My 5 Housemates Were Summoned... None of Them Registered to Vote... READ MORE: https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2021/04/i-regret-registering-to-vote-now.html
1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving Interest in The 1619 Project Again... Now, It's a GOP CANCEL CULTURE CAUSE! He Wants the US Government to BAN Teaching the History of Slavery in the USA In Public Schools... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2021/05/1619-project-moscowmitch-is-causing.html
I Did a Scientific Experiment On How Drugs Effect My Skill Level Playing Chess. Results: Coffee Made Me Play Better. Alcohol and Marijuana Made me Worse. LSD Made Me Reject the Entire Idea of Tests and I Refused to Play Games...
It was a Simple Test and You Could Recreate it Yourself for a "PEER REVIEW" https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2021/04/i-did-scientific-experiment-on-how.html
Taxation Without Representation is What the Republican Party is Offering These Days... The Vast Majority of Americans are In Favor of Biden's $1.9 Trillion Dollar Coronavirus Relief Bill. The GOP Opposes It. Republicans Senators and Representatives are the Paid Puppets of The 1% - The Super Rich. They Aren't Even Pretending to Represent Their Constituents!
- "Love Gets Old" Has The Best MELODY I Have Heard i...
- LEGALIZE VOTING - Fight the GOP Attempt to Overthr...
- Elizabeth Warren Proposes Free College Tuition Pai...
- I've Been Trying to Awaken The Internet since 1997...
- Trump's Border Wall is DOOMED TO FAIL. It's 260 Ye...
- Meetings with Remarkable Men - In Silicon Valley. ...
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- Contact Your California State Representative and T...
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- HEADLINE: Deadline for "Real ID" for Air Travel Po...
- What IF we secretly fed Cannabis Cookies to Evil P...
- A Simple Way to Save Electricity in Buildings. All...
- I'm in favor of Genetic Engineering of Humans. Let...
- AMERICA'S BOGUS WARS - Since 1945, The US Military...
- Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All...
- Photos of the All Species Samba Parade at the Nort...
- Plato's Story "The Cave" is so very Meaningful to ...
- Great Documentary Movies: I Spend Almost All My Ti...
- It's Up to Us to Keep on Publicizing Trump's FAILE...
- This Documentary Movie Really Helped My Family: "T...
- Evil Lawmakers Made LSD Illegal. (Donald L. Grunsk...
- Bigfoot - The True Story - Son Speaks Out about th...
- We ought to Repeal and Replace Trump's "Tax Cut fo...
- The Kavanaugh Nomination Case will Harm Republican...
- Great Book: "Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger an...
- Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics - Let Doctors and ...
- Photo from Space of the Bakken Oil Field... Burnin...
- Free Art! #DumpTrump the #BerserkerPOTUS - Go Ahea...
- Elizabeth Warren is The BIG WINNER in the Trump/Bi...
- Search Engine Optimization. Create Interesting Ori...
- Review of the Video Game "America's Army". Brainwa...
- Let's Investigate Trump's FAILED Attempt to Overth...
- Thanks, Governor Gavin Newsom... You Have Done a G...
- Who WAS Ram Dass? Briefly... He was a Psychedelics...
- KEEP ABORTION LEGAL. I know a Woman that threw her...
- CIA Cocaine Contra - The US Government Imported Co...
- #BubbleUP Economics Works! Raise the Minimum Wage...
- Let's STOP Paying Israel $4 Billion Dollars a Year...
- American History: "Operation Fast and Furious" ---...
- PARAQUAT LAWSUITS on TV? In The 1970s The US Gover...
- I Wonder Why Fresh Water from The Sacramento River...
- Since Climate Change Causes MASSIVE WILDFIRES in t...
- Hey Farmers! Simply Grow Your Cannabis OUTDOORS IN...
- Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT T...
- I remember going to Montalvo - a Fantastic Mansion...
- It Always Ends Badly for People Like Charles Manso...
- Help Us BEAT tRUMP Again and Again and Again by Sh...
- Murdered by Gunshot: Gandhi, JFK, RFK, MLK, John L...
- Mother's Day Share: What I said at an Alcoholics A...
- Since 1945, The US Military Has Never Defended The...
- The GOP is Officially the "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fi...
- FREE Chart of Where the Notes Are on the Guitar an...
- The Number of Uneducated Racist Old White Men is S...
- 1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving ...
- Since there are NO ACTUAL JOBS Designing or Buildi...
- Republicans Start To Realize That The Public Isn't...
- Housing Subdivisions With a Waterway to Dock Your ...
LINKS TO MORE PSYCHEDELIC ART AND... My Purple64ets Blog on Wordpress!
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Psychedelic Art by gvan42
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Monarchy SUCKS! The GOP Wants to Prevent YOU from Voting So They Can Crown tRUMP CZAR!
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Reject The GOP Hypocritical Race Theory! Let Teachers Teach TRUTH in School…
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Donald Rumsfeld is Dead. WONDERFUL! Now He Cannot Do Evil Anymore…
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4th of July Tip: Many Veterans Hate Surprise Firecrackers. They Think That The Enemy is Shooting at Them. SO… If You are at a Party With Veterans… Don’t Blow Things UP!
and DOGS Don’t Like Firecrackers Either…
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Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!
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