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Let's STOP Paying Israel $4 Billion Dollars a Year... That's an INSANE WASTE OF MONEY (and Lives Too...) My attention this week has been on the Campus Shutdown at Humboldt State University...

When I attended we did not believe any world exited outside of Humboldt County... We certainly did not have any Opinions about what those Crazies were doing beyond the Redwood Curtain... I believe BOTH SIDES are Wrong in the Israel/Gaza War...

And this Year... The Government Has Spent $26 Billion So Israel Can buy more BOMBS, More GUNS and More DEATH!

Could this War in Israel all be a "Wag the Dog" Distraction to Keep Americans from Noticing the Infrastructure Failure Here at Home? The Mississippi River was CLOSED to Freight Traffic Due to a Cracked Bridge... But Now, Everybody is Talking about Israel Bombing Palestine...

"Wag the Dog" Movie Summary: Two weeks prior to reelection, the United States president lands in the middle of a sex scandal. In need of outside help to quell the situation, presidential adviser Winifred Ames (Anne Heche) enlists the expertise of spin doctor Conrad Brean (Robert De Niro), who decides a distraction is the best course of action. Brean approaches Hollywood producer Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman) to help him fabricate a war in Albania -- and once underway, the duo has the media entirely focused on the war.

The GOP Believes that if the Simply LIE, LIE AND LIE AGAIN that Magically Time Travel Will Become Real and tRUMP Would Win! and He wasn't REALLY Banished to Mar-A-Loser, Florida...

meme from facebook Israel redrum

The Classic "Just Joking" Defense by Rude Julie Anna... It was all "Hyperbolic" - Just Like the Turner Diaries is FICTION! Not a REAL Plan for the Overgrow of the US Government...

Lawyers for Rudy Giuliani -- who exhorted Trump supporters in Washington on the day of the Capitol riot to "have trial by combat" -- are now arguing that he wasn't literally advocating for an insurrection over the 2020 election results.

The assertion comes in Giuliani's response to a lawsuit filed by Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell seeking to hold Giuliani, former President Donald Trump and others accountable for inciting the violent siege on January 6 at the US Capitol.

In a court filing Monday, Giuliani wrote that his words to Trump supporters were "hyperbolic." AND ALL THE MATH GENIUSES IN QANON KNOW ALL ABOUT HYPERBOLA... 

Trump is Actually Broke... an Entire Year of His Hotels Losing Money Every Day Has Depleted His Bank Account... and NOW... Deutsche Bank is Refusing to Loan Him any More Laundered Russian Money...

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