Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I'm in favor of Genetic Engineering of Humans. Let's Design Better People... I believe that we need smarter humans to solve the problems we have created... Global Warming will not be solved by the same thinking that created the Industrial Revolution.

At Humboldt State University I took a class in Ecology. We would read a book or an article and have group discussions about it. We read ENOUGH! by Bill McKibben and that book opened up the subject of ACTUAL Intelligent Design of Humans... and Animals... and Plants...

ALL the other students were against genetic engineering of People... Their main objection was that it would be Racist... People would choose Blond Hair, Blue Eyes and White Skin... OR Redheads...

Others feared Frankenstein Monsters that would cause problems... For Example: What IF they don't like us and decide to exterminate all currently living people to be replace by super humans...

a Reader on Facebook Asked: "Who would Decide What is Better?" Practically Speaking, The People Who Actually DO Genetic Engineering Will Make That Decision... Some People Invent Great Technological Advances... Life Saving Medicine or Computers Or Rocket Ships to the Moon... Other People Learn How to Put a Basketball in a Basket... The Basketball Players Will Have No Say in Who Gets Genetically Engineered Children...


on a Different Subject:

Every Year there are Fewer and Fewer Nuclear Power Plants Worldwide. There has Been a Global Rejection of Atomic Energy...The People That ACTUALLY Sign Contracts to Build New Power Plants all say NO NUKES!
Solar, Wind and Hydro are Cheaper, Faster to Build and Safer...

With Marijuana Legal, California is Closing Unused Prisons. Saving Taxpayers a Fortune... By Getting a Clue, Lawmakers have Increased Voluntary Taxes while Saving Money wasted on Law Enforcement... Everybody Wins!
and I Don't Pay a Penny in Weed Taxes because I Don't Smoke! 

Photos of the Ghost Train in Eureka, California... The Railroad Tracks were removed but... the Train Remained to be a Graffiti Magnet. BIG FUN!

Are You Tired of Everyone Laughing At You? Simply #DumpTrump. #RUNAWAY From the #MAGAloser. Millions of Republicans FLED the GOP After Trump's Disastrous Loss in 2020. YOU CAN TOO!
Trump's Endless FAILURES and LIES Made People Vote Democratic. That's Why We Won the US House and Senate... and That's Why We Will Win Again in 2022 and 2024... 

Hey, Hey, NRA... How Many Kids did you Kill Today? High school students stage ANTI-GUN protest in Florida. #OutlawAssaultRifles Here we are a year later and the Government Has DONE NOTHING TO PREVENT DEATHS BY GUNFIRE... TOTAL FAILURE...

I LOVE FUNNY HATS! Check out This Collection of Bizarre-O-Matic Things People Put On Their Heads! and Goofball MEMES! Mocking Corrupt Republicriminals! FUN!

Republicans Will have a Difficult Time Enforcing MINORITY RULE. They are Passing Laws to Prevent People From Voting Because... The Majority of Americans Are Democrats. The GOP PLAN: Steal the 2022 Election. #StopTheGOPSteal #MonarchySucks

What do these People Have In Common? Is There any TREND? Any SIMILARITY? Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, Thomas Watson [IBM],  Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Gordon Moore [INTEL], Hewlett, Packard, Alexander Graham Bell, Marconi, Harley, Davidson, George Westinghouse, Goodyear, Firestone, Henry Ford, Lockheed, Boeing, Larry Ellison [Oracle], Mark Zuckerberg [Facebook], Larry Page and Sergey Brin [Google], Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales [Wikipedia], Julian Assange [Wikileaks], Singer [sewing machine], Jeff Bezos [Amazon], Lee Iacocca [Chrysler], George Eastman [Kodak], George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Sam Houston, Kit Carson, John Fremont, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Sean Connery, Ian Fleming, Sir William Stephenson [the real James Bond], Mark Twain, Robert Louis Stevenson, John Denver, Donovan, John Williams, Winston Churchill, Lewis and Clark, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, Billy the Kid, Bill Wilson [AA founder], Wild Bill Hickok, Barnum and Bailey, Will Rogers, Roy Rogers, Hank Williams, George Thorogood, Steve Miller, Warren Buffet, Jimmy Buffet, William Shakespeare, George Orwell, Ed Abbey...

Javascript Art by gvan42 - I Wrote a Program to Draw Lines in ever Changing Directions with Ever Changing Colors - Then Modified Screenshots of the Output using Distortion in Paint Dot Net...

Bill Wilson: Psychedelic Pioneer - He Invented AA while experiencing "The Belladonna Cure" - Two psychedelic drugs - Henbane and Belladonna - a Five Day Trip!

All Over The World People Are Waking Up. We Have Realized That The Old Ways JUST DON'T WORK. The Era of Old White Men Ruling the World Has Passed.
I Personally AM an Old White Man BUT... I Retired... I No Longer Rule My Little Corner of The World... IT IS REALLY FREEING to No Longer Have to Make Decisions... Now Someone ELSE is In Charge...


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