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Stock Market Crash coming soon says Munchkin... Unless congress passes the Tax Cut for the Rich Bill.

Since Congress has a History of not being able to pass anything, It's unlikely that Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law will happen anytime soon. Wall Street has had rising value due to the belief that a Corporate Tax Rate decrease will make them richer... If That law doesn't happen, the Legendary "Trump Bubble" will burst and another Crash Like 2009 or 1987 or 1929 will happen...

Gee... Maybe Munchkin is right!

Headline:Steve Mnuchin Threatens Stock Market Crash If Tax Reform Doesn’t Pass

Actually, Congress HAS passed Two laws during the Trump Era. One makes it easier for Mentally Ill people to buy guns and the other imposes Sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election.

Trump Signed both Laws but has failed to actually impose any sanctions on Russia. I guess that he dares not anger his Boss, Vladimir Putin...

If Trump ACTUALLY enforces the law and Sanctions Russia, Vladimir would probably have Trump assassinated... That's the Russian way...

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