Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump caused my friend's Health Insurance payments to TRIPLE! A Real person harmed by Trumpcare.

She says she really hates Trump for what he's done.
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Trump fails to declare the Opioid Crisis a National Emergency therefore preventing FEMA money being spent to help with treatment. Instead his budget cuts funds for Medicare and Medicaid so there will be less money for treatment. His plan is to release TV advertisements saying drugs are bad. Similar to the "Jest say Know" campaign of Nancy Reagan. A spectacular failure.
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Trump fails to release JFK Assassination documents. What are they hiding? He actually released 54 out of 3,000 documents... Why?
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Why did that man throw Russian Flags at Trump and Shout "Trump is Treason"? That's a phrase that a non English speaker would say. It's not a sentence in English... "Trump has committed Treason" or "Trump is Treasonous" are sentences in English. OR... just shouting Treason! would make sense... and where do you get a Russian flag anyway? Are they for sale at Map and Flag shops in Washington DC? Maybe the man who was shouting is a Russian Himself and an Anti-Putin Activist.
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Why is the USA at War in Niger? Who could possibly care what the people of Niger do there? Is this all a tragic error? a Mistake? We have learned that the US soldiers were tricked into going into an ambush... There were about 50 people from Niger just waiting to kill our soldiers...
The Tribal Elders that our soldiers were going to visit set them up... Whee!
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Donald Trump has brought us to the brink of nuclear war, obstructed justice, and taken money from foreign governments. We need to impeach this dangerous president. Sign on now.

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