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Trump won because the Russians Helped. So, he OWES them a Favor... a BIG favor... and he has Delivered by not implementing the Russian Sanctions Law passed by Congress and Signed by Trump...

The Russians have demonstrated that they believe that Social Media can Influence Elections in the USA. They bought advertisements against Hillary on Facebook, Google and Twitter in 2016. They also paid "Trolls" to write "News" articles and Blog Posts helping Trump win. I believe that they are correct. Social media DOES influence public opinion. Especially Republicrimes... They will believe whatever they are told to believe and it helps to shout at them and with them. They really loved shouting "LOCK HER UP!" at the Republicrime Convention. Democrats and Independents and Libertarians have a tendency to think for themselves and so what works with them is facts. Truth. Not so with Republicrimes... Remember, It takes two to make a lie effective, the Teller of the Lie AND the Believer of the Lie.

History has shown that Trump has caused much damage to the people who voted for him but they believe his lies anyway. For Example: Trump has gutted the EPA so that it no longer protects the Environment... and where does it fail most often? In locations that have Trump Voters... Trump was very popular with uneducated people. Trump's "BASE" is himself, other Billionaires and people that are Easily Fooled... Another example is the Dept of Education. The DeVos Family heads that agency
and they support vouchers for Private School instead of funding Public Schools... That way rich people do not have to pay for public schools. Their own children do not go to Public Schools so they ask "Why should we pay?" ... This is the strategy of the Koch Family as well. The rich want to pay less taxes and provide less services because they personally don't use them. Another Example is the Dept of the Interior. They plan to let corporations drill for oil in public parks. They also want to do more mining on public land. This benefits owners of corporations but harms regular people. You and I will be restricted in our ability to go visit parks because the corporations will build fences protecting their oil wells. With Coal mines, the product itself causes Global Warming when used to create electricity by burning it. What is currently being mined in West Virginia is sold to foreign countries but the air pollution is blown arount by the wind and causes climate change here in the USA as well as in foreign countries.
Are we having fun yet?
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FCC kills Net Neutrality. Allowing Giant Corporations to rule the Internet stifling free speech.
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Ronald Reagan campaigned on the slogan "Make America Great Again." Trump simply quoted Reagan...
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We have not seen Former General John Kelly since he was CAUGHT lying at the White House Press Briefing Podium. I guess that he is afraid of reporters questions about the false story he told about our War in NIGER. Hopefully this is a trend... Maybe all people that lie at the White House Press Briefing Podium will never return...

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