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Nolan Bushnell's Atari Manifesto: [full text] - A Utopian Vision from Silicon Valley.


Fairness is the best single word which means play the game by the rules. We play hard, play to win, but we will play by the rules of local, state, federal and international law, as well as the standards of ethical business practice and fair labor relations.

An unethical corporation has no right to existence in any social framework, Besides, wining by cheating is, at best, a hollow victory.

A corporation is simply people bending together in an organized fashion to produce products or accomplishments which would not be possible otherwise. When the goals of Atari and the goals of its people are in harmony, Atari is strong and its people are happy and satisfied. Therefore Atari Will:

a. Provide maximum remuneration and benefits to its people based on their contribution to its profits and goals.

b. Provide a work atmosphere in which a person can maintain his dignity and identity.

c. maintain a social atmosphere were we can be friends and comrades apart from the organizational hierarchy.

d. Encourage and promote personal growth thru education and training suck as that we may all reach our individual potentialities. 

e. Judge all people on the basis of their skills and contribution and not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, appearance or personal life. At Atari, discrimination of the whites against blacks or blacks against whites; of short hairs against long hairs or the long hairs against the short hairs; the trained against the untrained; the experienced against the unexperienced will not be tolerated.

f. Bring together people who enjoy what they do and are willing to strive to build a strong and innovative corporation in which we can all take pride and satisfaction and know that our part is well done. Our corporation will only be as strong as the sum of its parts.

Eventually, without profits, a corporation cannot exist. Therefore, all other goals except the first must be subservient to profits. 

Profits should be large enough to fund our growth, share with our employees and strengthen our corporate base. 

Our profits should also be reflective of our contribution to those that our products serve. The best and most lasting business relationships are those in which all persons involved make profits in proportion to their income. By fairly pricing our products we can keep ourselves, as well as our customers, financially healthy and contribute to the overall growth of the industry.

Our goal of growth will be aimed at expanding our current market through innovative products as well as increasing market share through better solutions to our customers' problems. We will also grow by cautious entrance into allied fields, fields in which we can use our current successes to give us a competitive edge. Our growth will be dramatic, fueled by  excellence in all areas, whether it be in research, finance, manufacturing, marketing or management. 

We will remember that this society and its institutions have provided this climate for business activity. We believe that corporate citizenship is important to keep our institutions strong. We will be politically active for causes we feel are just. Our colleges and universities will enjoy our financial and personal support, and charitable causes will be supported. 


I found a picture of this manifesto on and I read it and typed in all the words...

Atari Logo

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