Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

KEEP VOTING LEGAL. The GOP is Promoting Monarchy and CZAR Donald For Life... Then JUNIOR would become King... Fight Back! #ArrestTrump --->Here are Some Free Memes to Share on Social Media... ART by gvan42

Most People Prefer Majority Rule... That's What the Revolution of 1776 was All About... Throwing OUT the King and Choosing our President Using Elections... 

However... Republicans Know That They Will Continue to LOSE if We Have Free and Fair Elections... They are the Minority Party and MILLIONS of Voters Chose to #RUNAWAY From Trump... So Their Plan is to Steal the Elections... WE MUST STOP THE GOP STEAL!

"I was a Lifelong Republican But, I Had to Vote For Joe Biden... Trump Was Just Too Crazy and a Total Failure at Everything." - Quotation from Benjamin Ghazi a Former QAnon Baker... 

KEEP VOTING LEGAL - free coloring book art by gvan42
free coloring book art by gvan42  
Make as Many Prints as you Like,
Color using Felt Pens or Pencils...
Share With Friends!
Copy and Paste into Your Social Media Pages...
After All, in 2016 Putin Proved that
Campaigning Online Works... His Boy WON!

KEEP VOTING LEGAL - free coloring book art by gvan42   Make as Many Prints as you Like, Color using Felt Pens or Pencils... Share With Friends! Copy and Paste into Your Social Media Pages... After All, in 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works... His Boy WON!

KEEP VOTING LEGAL - free coloring book art by gvan42   Make as Many Prints as you Like, Color using Felt Pens or Pencils... Share With Friends! Copy and Paste into Your Social Media Pages... After All, in 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works... His Boy WON!

KEEP VOTING LEGAL - free coloring book art by gvan42   Make as Many Prints as you Like, Color using Felt Pens or Pencils... Share With Friends! Copy and Paste into Your Social Media Pages... After All, in 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works... His Boy WON!

#ArrestTrump Spinner - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Arrest tRUMP - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - feel free to print as many copies as you like - color with felt pens or pencils - give em to friends
Arrest tRUMP -
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 -
feel free to print as many copies as you like -
color with felt pens or pencils - give em to friends

Arrest tRUMP Science Goes Boink by gvan42

Arrest tRUMP diamonds

Here is another Example of a Corrupt Republican... CAUGHT Taking Bribes to Have Taxpayers Pay to Bailout a Failed Nuclear Power Plant... Total Slimeball... 

Members of the Ohio House expelled Rep. Larry Householder, the federally indicted Republican ex-speaker, Wednesday in a bipartisan vote that invoked their powers to remove a member for the first time in 150 years.
The GOP-controlled House voted 75-21 to remove Householder, of Perry County, approving a resolution that stated he was not suited for office because of the indictment. The state Constitution allows expulsion for "disorderly conduct" without defining it.
Defiant to the end, Householder reiterated his innocence in a House floor speech before the vote and predicted again he would be acquitted of accusations that he orchestrated a $60 million bribery scheme meant to approve legislation to prop up two nuclear power plants and then kill a ballot issue trying to overturn the law...

Here is another Example of a CRAZY Republican Going to Jail... 
Tim Nolan - Republican Criminal

Timothy Lee Nolan (born February 5, 1947) is an American registered sex offender and former state district court judge, a former leader in the Republican Party and a former chairman of Donald Trump's presidential campaign in Campbell County, Kentucky. On February 9, 2018, he pleaded guilty to 19 counts of child sex trafficking and human trafficking; on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.[2][3]

Terry McAuliffe is a Democrat Running for Governor of Virginia against an ADMITTED TrumpNik® - Help Campaign Against The Madness! Like and Share Worldwide! <--- Share This LINK!

Terry McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia

Terry McAuliffe is a lifelong entrepreneur and proud Democrat who served as the 72nd Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia from 2014-2018. As governor, Terry focused on making the Commonwealth welcoming and inclusive and building a 21st Century economy that created good jobs and expanded economic opportunity for all Virginians.

During his tenure, Terry brought 200,000 good paying jobs to the Commonwealth, drove unemployment down, and raised personal income over 13%. He invested in workforce development and infrastructure, laid the groundwork for Virginia to be a national leader in clean energy, and helped build a solid cyber ecosystem in the Commonwealth.

Time and again, Terry fought the Republican-led legislature. He successfully secured a record $1 billion investment in education and expanded preschool to thousands of Virginia children. As Virginia’s first lady, Terry’s wife Dorothy made ending childhood hunger in the Commonwealth a priority. Thanks to her tireless advocacy, Virginia made tremendous strides in addressing this critical issue and schools have served 13 million more meals per year.

LINKS to my Zazzle Webstore: 
Original Art Printed on Gifts and Political Slogans!
all my Royalties are Donated to Charity 
or Democratic Campaigns!
gnu gnu gnu merchandise at zazzle gregvan

Opinion: Terry McAuliffe 

for Virginia governor

An endorsement from the Washington Post Editorial Board...


Vaccines take center stage in tight Virginia governor’s race

Democrats are turning to vaccine requirements and Covid mandates in a tricky political environment.

ADMITTED TrumpNik Glenn Youngkin is IN FAVOR OF DEATH... an Anti-Vaccine FREAK!

McAuliffe leads in race for governor... 

As the margin widens in the governor’s race, the races for lieutenant governor and attorney general are narrowing.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

I Got an Email from Gavin Newsom
asking me to Donate Money
to the Terry McAuliffe Campaign... 
Well, I Won't Do That BUT...
I'll Campaign Online!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Gregory -

We beat the Republican recall so decisively for two reasons:

First, Gavin Newsom is an exceptional governor who has led California through some of the most difficult times in modern American history. People know he has done a good job.

Second, we built the largest grassroots campaign the state has ever seen — both in terms of volunteers, but also small-dollar donors.

Today, there’s a critical election in Virginia and the stakes are high.

Democrat Terry McAuliffe is locked in a statistical tie with ultra-right, Trump-loving Glenn Youngkin with just a few weeks to go before the election.

In our recall, there were Virginians who donated and sent texts to keep California blue. Now we’re hoping to return the favor when Terry McAuliffe needs it most:

Here is a Link to a Totally Different Collection of My Artwork
Digital Rainbow Spirals and Peace Sign Buttons!

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