Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Elizabeth Warren is The BIG WINNER in the Trump/Biden Disaster. Both Men LOOK CORRUPT! What DID Biden DO? What DID Trump DO? WhatEVER! Lock 'em Both UP! EW4POTUS!

Sadly, Elizabeth Warren Did Not Win. We Got Biden, who has a History of being on the Wrong Side of Every Issue... but he's Better than Trump... The #MAGALoser

and EW Has Retained her Seat in the US Senate and Gets to GO ON TV a Lot... Her Ideas KEEP ON Being Broadcast... Same with Bernie Sanders... He Got a Promotion in the US Senate and HIS IDEAS are Published Daily by Bernie Fans that Have a Facebook Account... SO... EVERYTHING IS MUCH BETTER IN 2021 Than in 2020... Trump Has been Banished to Mar-A- Loser, Florida and Banned from Posting His Lies on Facebook or Twitter... 

and Pretty Soon VP Kamala Harris Will have a Real Shot at Being President! Either by Death, Hospitalization or Impeachment of Biden... or... in 2024, It will be impossible for Joe to Run due to Old Age and SOMEONE ELSE will be the Candidate...

I've Sold a Lot of Hats, Buttons and Stickers because there are Millions of Brainwashed TrumpNiks® Out There... They Haven't Grasped the Concept that IF They Actually Impeach Biden Then KAMALA Will Be President! 
all My Profits are Donated to Charity... Please Help a Retired Lady Living on Social Security Make Ends Meet. The Rent on Her Trailer Space Just Increased... For No Reason... Greedy Landlords...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and THIS is what this Blog Post 
Looked Like Many Years Ago...
Before Biden Won the 2020 Election!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

No Corruption by Warren... No Corruption by Bernie... A Warren/Sanders TICKET is the Best. EW for President and Bernie For Vice President. And ALL THE OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES GET A CABINET JOB. Jay Inslee Head of the EPA. Corey Booker Head of Housing and Urban Development. Kamala Harris Attorney General. Hillary Clinton Secretary of State. Pete Buttigieg Secretary of Defense. Andrew Yang for Secretary of the Treasury! Beto O'Rourke In Charge of Immigration... 

MEME - gvan42 - Trump gets a Letter "I" Tattoo on his forehead for joining the Impeached President Club.

Handy Chart showing where the notes are on a guitar and piano - feel free to print this and share with your friends... and Total Strangers that are about to BECOME Your Friends... gvan42
Feel Free to Print This and Give it to Your Friends!

at Google Image Search using the Keywords: 
gvan42 free coloring book 
or click on this link!

and Now for something Completely Different!

I'm Looking for Information About a SUCCESSFUL LIBERTARIAN UTOPIA. a Town, a Commune... ANYTHING! I'm Writing a Book About Libertarian Ideas and It Appears That THEY ALWAYS FAIL! Please Name Names in the Comment Section Below... or Email Me gregvan[at]yahoo[dot]comThanks!

Maybe Like "Warp Drive" in Star Trek, Their Beliefs Work Great in FICTION But Never in Reality... Remember: The Unseen Hand of the Free Market CAUSED The Power Failure in Texas in 2021... Without Federal Regulation, The Power Company FAILED to Winterize Their Natural Gas Generators and DISASTER!

It would Really Suck if I Published this Book and then Found Out That Their Ideas ACTUALLY WORK!

Why Do Ayn Rand's Grand Ideas Always Fail? Because They are a FICTION PLOT DEVICE not an Actual Plan for Running the World... DUH...
Why Do Ayn Rand's Grand Ideas Always Fail?
Because They are a FICTION PLOT DEVICE
not an Actual Plan for Running the World... DUH...

The Short, Unhappy Life of a Libertarian Paradise...
The residents of Colorado Springs undertook a radical experiment in government. Here’s what they got.

The question libertarians just can't answer... 
If your approach is so great, why hasn’t any country anywhere in the world ever tried it?

Unlike Libertarianism, There are Many Examples of
Hippie Communes That Work and Religious Retreats.

For Example: The Farm in Tennessee 

Black Bear Ranch is an 80-acre intentional community located in Siskiyou County, California.

Ananda Village: 
A Spiritual Cooperative Community in the
Tradition of Paramhansa Yogananda...

LINK TO BUY THE "Make America Groovy Again" EMBROIDERED HAT:

"Make America Groovy Again" Embroidered Hat

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, [Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” [Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana or Psychedelics as a Sacrament]  

DANG... So Many Exceptions! Were the Founding Fathers Racist and Sexist Pigs? Betsy Ross Can Sew a Flag While We Manly Men Go Kill Us Some Brits!

Medicare For All. Costs Less, Works Better! - meme - gvan42
Medicare For All. Costs Less, Works Better! 

Try Reality for One Week - If You Dont Like It You Can Go Back to BELIEVING LIES - meme- gvan42
Try Reality for One Week...
 If You Don't Like It You Can

I was Duped says the QAnon Shaman - meme - gvan42
"I was Duped"
 says the QAnon Shaman
Don't Be Duped Yourself


My Journey to The Rainbow Gathering in Pennsylvania in the 1980's... Autobiography... and EPCOT in Florida, Niagara Falls, Canada...

This event really started at the Spectrum Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at a three day Grateful Dead concert. That's When I Got an Invitation to The gathering. A Card given to me by a Guy Who Believed I Was Worthy.


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