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When I am wrong, I simply Change my Mind. Sometimes I Change it Back and Forth as I LEARN MORE!

I used to be in favor of "Medicare For All" but...  
I saw an advertisement that stated we would have to WAIT LONGER for treatment with a single payer system. 

NOW, My Facebook Friend Changed My Mind Back!
Medicare for all - costs less, works better - meme - gvan42

I asked Google and It's True. In Canada they wait Longer... Well, I don't want to wait longer! I'm 65 years old and I already HAVE Medicare. The Medicare For All plan would ADD YOUNG PEOPLE... and I don't CARE about them... Really... CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY MEDICARE FOR ALL WOULD BE BETTER THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW? 

Maybe Medicare For All would be better for People under 65 but... 

I Emailed Bernie Sanders but have not gotten a response... Maybe You Know the Answer... 

Medicare for all Costs Less, Works Better - meme - gvan42

"The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few.... Or the One." - Star Trek Quote.

  • Mitch Bailey you are a moron. GO FUCK YOURSELF TRUMP TROLL

  • Gregory Laan Your argument FAILS to explain why Medicare For All would be a better system than what we have now... Mitch Bailey

  • Fred Capp Sarcasm? At 64 1/2 i I have just been refused service despite cash in hand.

    • Fred Capp And my experience and understanding is that those “extra waits” are never as extreme as are advertised. A few days to a month for regular checkups, no more waiting than is usual for emergencies.

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  • Gregory Laan AHH... Fred Capp Explains it in a way I can Understand... Maybe it would be better for all if I PERSONALLY sacrificed for the Good of All. Maybe a little waiting for my services would help save Fred's Life... and the Millions Like him...

  • Write a reply...

  • Mark Dias You are turning Republican haha. I am actually going the opposite way and have the younger generation be able to buy in to Medicare. Of course at this point who cares you and I are eligible. 

    The reason market based healthcare doesn’t work now is b
    ecause half the healthcare system was already socialized.

    I think you can run an efficient government system. Medicare has proven that. 

    But I can’t be sure of that.

    I only know Health Care is out of control and the Republicans failed to come up with a plan.

  • Sandra Peterson One thing with the current system is, I was told by two doctors already that they are made by higher ups to send so many people for CT's, so many for MRI's, so many for X-Rays, blood work, etc...every X amount of days. They are frustrated because they say they can't just be a doctor anymore. I am hoping with Medicare for all it will stop some of these unnecessary tests. I know this probably doesn't answer your question but, just some info I was told.

  • Simon Cox Because it would cover EVERYONE and if you can afford extra cover (In the UK you can get your own cover at reasonable rates, much lower than the US) you can be seen sooner than the universal cover. The main point is that when you are desperate and are on a low income or just an average Joe you will be taken care of and will not have to sell your house or be bankrupt to stay alive.Do more research dude, the system works very well.

    Gregory Laan Now I'm Back to Campaigning IN FAVOR OF Medicare for all.
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On a Different Subject... 
a Post of Mine Was Deleted from This Blog
because I Dared to Ask the FORBIDDEN QUESTION:
"Why do we allow fresh water from the 
Sacramento River to flow into the Ocean?"

after all... 
We Pump the Colorado River Dry before it Gets to the Ocean in Mexico... and No One Complains About THAT!

all the water from the Colorado River is used to Drink, Water Crops, Fill Swimming Pools, Shower, Water Animals and Make Ice Cubes for a Scotch on the Rocks Beverage... 

SO... Someone Reported My Question to Google
and That Post was Deleted... 
Sat Image of Sacramento River
Sacramento River Satellite Photo Google Maps - Delta - 2021 Here is a Post on that same subject that was NOT Deleted on Facebook... "I Wonder Why Fresh Water from The Sacramento River Flows into the Ocean? After All, The Colorado River is Pumped Dry.
We are Having a Drought Here in California... This Water COULD be used to Grow Crops, Water Livestock, Take Showers or Make Ice Cubes for a Scotch on the Rocks... But NO... It Flows Out into The Ocean at San Francisco... "

What IF? Would Pumping all that water out of the River and Into Fields that are Growing Crops Change the Climate of California's Central Valley... In the Summer, all that water would evaporate and then fall as rain when those clouds meet the Sierra Nevada Mountains... In General, the Wind Flows from West to East... WE NEED RAIN...

The Objection to Pumping the Sacramento River Dry is That Salmon Need the Water to Survive... and They Would Go Extinct... In That One River... Other Rivers, Like The Klamath and The Columbia and Rivers in Canada and Alaska would NOT Be Changed... and The Salmon Would Continue to Survive There... and... What IF Salmon Became Extinct? The Drought is The Western USA Is Putting Salmon in the Klamath River in Danger Right Now... Even With The Dams being Removed...

Protest Sign Says:
Kapow! Un Dam the Klamath River
in the All Species Parade: Arcata CA

Golden Bear Portrait Klamath River
Golden Bear Sculpture on The Klamath River Bridge.
Highway 101 - Northern California

The San Francisco Bay would Become Salt Water flowing In under the Golden Gate Bridge... Currently it has a Mixture of Salt Water and Fresh Water...

salt flat san jose
That's Surprising because there are Salt Harvesting Businesses Near San Jose... They Just Let the Bay water Evaporate and Collect the Remaining Salt...


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