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Trump's Border Wall is DOOMED TO FAIL. It's 260 Years Too Late. Mexicans "Invaded" California in 1760... They Founded the Town of Saint Douglas (San Diego)... Then they Founded the City of the Angels (Los Angeles)... San Francisco, San Jose, San Juan Boutista, Santa Clara, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz,The Colorful State (Colorado), The Flowery State (Florida) and the Snowy State (Nevada)...

Trump's Border Wall is also DOOMED because people FLY over it in Airplanes, Sail Around it in Boats and Drive Thru at Checkpoints using Fake ID... What's to prevent a person from Mailing a California Driver License to Tijuana? Then a Person that LOOKS SIMILAR presents it at the Crossing at San Ysidro... A Walls won't prevent Identity Fraud... Remember this: The Great Wall of China FAILED to Keep the Chinese Out... There are Chinese on BOTH SIDES of that wall. 

How do you build a wall on a RIVER? The Great River (Rio Grande) divides the State of TEJAS (Texas) from Mexico... 

The OTHER MAIN FLAW with Trump's Border Wall is that Latino People are Not That Scary. I was born in the City of Saint Joseph (San Jose) and about half the people are Hispanic... For example: My Hero in Junior High School was an Elegant Man Named Isidro M... He was the Basketball Coach... On my Facebook Group of Alumni from The Cats High School (Los Gatos) everyone agreed that he was a LOVED and RESPECTED Teacher... 

Why would you want to build a wall between the USA and Mexico when Mexicans are nice people? Perhaps Trump was Mugged by Puerto Ricans when he was a Child in Queens? Maybe THAT's why he has so much hatred... I remember the Musical "West Side Story" was about rival Street Gangs... One made up of Polish Kids and the Other was Puerto Rican... A famous song was "Maria" and then they Named a Hurricane "Maria" that wiped out the Island Of Puerto Rico... Trump's FEMA Failed Badly to repair Puerto Rico...  

One of the Secrets to the Success of Silicon Valley was that corporate leaders hired smart people from all over the world move to San Jose to work in Computers... My Next Door neighbor was from Nicaragua... Who knew that there were Computer Scientists in Nicaragua? IBM did... We also knew a Nazi who came to NASA after WW2...  When I went to work at System Industries in Santa Clara most of the employees were Asian or Hispanic... I had a LOT of Respect for my direct supervisor who was a Harley Davidson Riding Martial Artist... I certainly did what he told me to do... I was afraid of him because he could beat me up... but he never had to because I simply Honored His Wisdom... 

Trump's Failed Wall MEME

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