Showing posts with label Hispanic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hispanic. Show all posts

Graffiti SUXX: Believe it or Not There are People That Think That Graffiti Makes a Neighborhood Look Better! Many Photographs!

Once I was riding the Bus in San Jose when a Teenage Man decided to Spray Paint his Gang "Tag" on the INSIDE of the Bus... This created a Horrible Paint Smell and Many of Us Got Off the Bus at the Next Stop. Including a Lady with a Baby... 

For Some Unknown Reason, He Felt the Spray Painted Gang "Tag" was More Important than the Health of His Fellow Passengers... Idiot... 

I Moved Away from San Jose to Chico and then Eureka... Both of those Towns are Almost All White People and Do Not Have a Lot of Graffiti... The Worst Place I've seen is on the Amtrak Train Ride Thru Oakland, CA...

Click on the Pictures to See 'em Bigger!

The Shipwreck abandoned roadside attraction near Eureka, CA. USA - gvan42 purple64ets

King Salmon abandoned 
"Shipwreck" Roadside Attraction. 
Near Eureka, CA

The Shipwreck abandoned roadside attraction near Eureka, CA. USA - gvan42 purple64ets

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Murphy Ranch near Los Angeles

Murphy Ranch near Los Angeles
This one IS BETTER with Graffiti!

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Photos of the Ghost Train in Eureka. 
The Railroad Tracks were removed but 
the Train Remained to be a Graffiti Magnet. 

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

Ghost Train in Eureka, CA - Photo by gvan42

More Pictures and Stories of Eureka...


Pobres Pueblos de la Tierra: OlvĂ­dense de USA. Camine hacia el sur hasta Brasil. Es maravilloso. Poor People of the Earth: Forget the USA. Walk South to Brazil. It's Wonderful.

In Reality, Hispanic Countries are a Total Failure. That's Why People are Coming Into The USA from Mexico and Central America. They COULD Walk South to Brazil! 

The Real Trouble When People From Failed Countries Come into the USA IS: They Bring Their Failed Culture, Their Failed Economic System, Their Failed Beliefs, Their Failed Religion, Their Failed Birth Control System and Their Failed Outlook on Life... We Don't Need A Whole Buncha Failed People Coming Into The USA... 

Let's Use the HAITI IMMIGRANT SOLUTION... A One Way Airplane Ride Right Back Where They Came From...That WORKED GREAT! A Whole Buncha Haitians Tried to Get Into The USA But We Sent 'em Right Back! And They are Doing Great at Home... Or NOT! Who Cares? It's Just another Third World Hellhole and Easy to Ignore!

Haiti Immigrants to the USA

Of all the "Solutions" to Immigration, the WORST was to Separate the Children from the Parents and Put Them All in Permanent Prisons... We the Taxpayers Have had to Pay for Room and Board and Guards for Thousands of People... with NO END IN SIGHT! and It's Expensive! 

Another Trump Era Failure... That Man Was a Real Idiot!

Facebook Scholarship Program is Blatantly Racist. It Discriminates Against White, Native American and Oriental People. Here is Photographic Proof... On the Elevate Scholarship Application.

Racist Scholarship Program - Facebook programming college
Click on the Picture to See It Larger... 

You Have to Check the Box that says "Do You Self-identify as Black or Latinix or Hispanic?"

If You Fail to Check that Box, You Cannot Move On to the Next Screen... Note Error Message... 

I Suppose I Could LIE... Do They Make You Submit a Selfie Photograph to Make Sure You are Really Black or Latinix or Hispanic??

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You may read more blog posts by 
Clicking On The Handy LABELS Below... 
Even If You are White... 

tRUMP's Coronavirus is Helping With the Problem of Overpopulation! Now The Vast Majority of Deaths are in People That DID NOT GET THE VACCINE... SEE? Behaving Stupid Can Be Fatal!

and there were a Half a Million Americans That Died from Drug Overdoses... and Really, If you are so Stupid as to Die from a Drug Overdose... We Are All Better Off That You've Gone... Thanks!

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Let's Make Birth Control and Abortion Free and Legal Worldwide... The Troubles of OVERPOPULATION are More than Just Too Many People Living in the Bay Area... It's Too Many People EVERYWHERE! Ever notice that there are Thousands of People walking from Central America to Texas looking for a Better Life? That because they Can't FEED THEIR CHILDREN in Central America or Mexico... The Catholic Church is Opposed to Birth Control and so there are Millions of Starving Children... I've Actually Traveled to Mexico and The Starving Children Really Upset Me... SO... I Never Traveled there Again... 

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Not Surprisingly My Catholic Friend Disagrees...  

MD Said: There is no problem with over population. In fact the opposite is true. Europe has a declining birth rate except for Muslims. The US also almost has a declining birth rate except for Hispanics. In fact the problem is the replacement rate is not sufficient to support the social welfare nets for Seniors. Overpopulation is a myth.

and I Replied:
So You Say... In Fact, Traffic Jams are Directly Caused by Overpopulation... So are High Rent and High Food Prices... Too Many People Competing for Limited Resources... and Climate Change is Caused By Too Many People Polluting the Air... Back when we had a Billion People, You Could Heat your House with Coal, Wood or Cow Dung... NOW, That Behavior Causes Global Warming... Whatever... YOUR Children and Grandchildren Can Share the Misery... Free Advice! Move to the Coast of Oregon... Cool, Rainy and No Problems of The City. 

and Don't Forget The Mormons... They are Reproducing TOO... Senator Mike Lee's Rebuttal of Green New Deal... the “real solution to climate change” is to have more children... He Displays a Painting Of Ronald Reagan Riding a Dinosaur while Firing a Machine Gun... His Hope is that Children are Smarter Than their Parents and They will Figure out a solution... Really!

MD Said: that’s called capitalism. The whole point of capitalism is to create demand has nothing to do with overpopulation. High rent and high prices are again caused by demand and inflation, and they have nothing to do with overpopulation. We have enough food to feed the world many times over, but it’s because of poverty and corruption in political governments and lack of education not overpopulation.

Companies create demand by limiting their products thus increasing their prices for their products. Harley Davidson is famous for this. We do not have limited resources nor do we have overpopulation.

Climate change has nothing to do with overpopulation.

I Replied: A small number of People Polluting the Air is Not Significant. a Large Number of People Polluting the Air is a Problem... Biology/Thomas Malthus. Just Like The Quantity of a Herd of Deer will be Limited by Starvation in the Winter... He published the Principle of Population where he made the observations that the human race would be likely to overproduce if the population size was not kept under control.

and then SE Said: One thing that drives me crazy about the "we need more housing" people is the fact that they never, EVER address the issue of water. Santa Clara Valley is in a severe drought right now, yet we have around 2 million residents currently, and we will have thousands if not millions more residents when all of the neverending high-density apartments are finished and occupied. If the current 2 million residents are being asked to conserve water, where do they plan to get enough additional water for the million or so more people who will eventually move here? This is the point where someone usually comes along and says, "But apartment dwellers don't use nearly as much water as people who live in houses," and "The biggest use of water is a lawn. People living in apartments don't have lawns." Okay, fine. But we're talking THOUSANDS, maybe even MILLIONS of people in addition to the 2 million who are already here. The fact that they don't have a lawn doesn't change the fact that there will be so MANY people using a limited amount of water. Even 2 million additional people taking a daily shower will use a ton more water than whatever is currently being used! And not everyone is conscientious about trying to conserve water by taking shorter showers or turning off the faucet while they brush their teeth or whatever. Some people are wasteful by nature, and some are jerks who feel entitled to use as much water as they want. I knew a guy a few years ago who used to turn on his shower and let it run for TEN MINUTES before getting in. I have no idea why anyone would do such a thing, but in his case, I think he was trying to rile me up because he knew I cared about the water supply and the environment. I never said a word because I don't like confrontation and I don't like to argue, and I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his blatant waste of water was upsetting me, so I never once said a word about it. But my point is, there are people like that who feel entitled to waste water. When you're talking about hundreds of thousands, or maybe even millions, of additional residents, it really doesn't matter if they live in a house with a lawn or whether they live in an apartment building. And sure, you can encourage people to take shorter showers or to shut off the faucet while they brush their teeth, but there is no way to monitor millions of apartment dwellers to make sure they actually ARE doing those things. And even if each and every one of them DOES take extra steps to try and conserve water, the sheer number of additional people WILL put a drain on the already-stressed water supply. Why don't the "we need more housing" people ever talk about this? 
We DON'T need more housing. We need fewer people. The only way we're ever going to be able to have a decent quality of life again is if we STOP making it so easy for more and more people to move here.

VK Replied: My dad is one of those "people need more housing" folks but I guess I sort of understand because that's how he earns a living. He got some land development deal in Cupertino where he might be earning some $200k commission from. In all honestly I'm kind of bad about letting the water run while brushing my teeth, mostly because I'm always rinsing my mouth out and don't brush that long. It's terrible and Pat actually is the one who reminds me to shut it off. As far as the shower, I usually have to let it run for a minute or two because it takes a while to heat up, but 10 minutes is kind of ridiculous.

SE Replied: The water in my kitchen takes a long time to run COLD, if you can believe it. I need it to get cold before I can run it through my Brita filter, so sometimes I have to let it run for a minute or 2 before it gets cold. I always feel terrible about that, though, because I know it's a waste of water.

MM Said: We need to invest in better technology in agriculture here in CA—ones that conserve water and use it in a more efficient manner. Look at the pie chart. Most of the water is consumed by agriculture.
And the water use is different for the regions here. Our area really doesn’t use as much water as other regions. But yes there is a drought but are we the only ones that should be encouraged to use less water? How about asking agriculture to invest in more efficient ways of utilizing their part of the pie chart? Government incentives for them to do so?
I drove down HWY 5 a few years ago and noticed that many of the orchards there were abandoned, the owners couldn’t afford their water supply—profit margins dwindled and they had to pack it in. This of course affected our economy as well.
We need better water management, better tech to conserve water in agriculture by making the irrigation process more efficient and less wasteful. Education and technology can help farmers manage their crops better too—cooperating with folks who own cattle to rotate fields and provide time for one section to be pasture and naturally fertilized with manure while others actively grow crops. The State and County Fairs need to provide free seminars paid for by our State government towards these aims.
Anyways, my two cents.
California Water Use Chart

California Water Use Chart - map

MM Said: And it’s a major hill to climb, considering most farmers are quite set in their ways—they don’t like being told what to do with their crops or farms. But they use most of the water and are not considered in this push to conserve water. They are overlooked. So it unfairly falls on the urban areas to take up the slack?! We don’t use as much water as they do!

SE SAID: But it pisses me off about the "we need more housing" crap. We wouldn't have a water shortage if there weren't so many people needing the limited amount of water that we have. This is not the time to encourage more people to move here.

VK SAID: Yeah, I agree. I was actually just saying that the bay area is one of the places I'd never move back to. We moved here because the cost of living was cheaper, but it's gone up a lot and I feel like at this point we could move to SoCal and pay around the same. This isn't my dream place to live, I'd love to be close to the beach and have consistent weather that isn't too cold during the winter. Maybe after we build up some equity in the house and have more income we can make it happen.

 SE SAID:  Yeah, I feel so stuck here in San Jose, but I don't know how I'll ever get out. I'm from this area, and my whole family is here, and I've lived here most of my life, so it's 'home.' And of course, if I move away, first I'd have to save up enough to get myself set up in another city where I don't have any family nearby...but how can I ever save when it's almost impossible to find permanent employment anymore? Contract work means you end up going long stretches of time in between jobs, and that makes it impossible to save money. I get really depressed sometimes when I think about it because I don't really see any way out. It's like being on a merry-go-round or something.

VK SAID:  Yeah, I totally feel that. I'm fortunate that I could keep my current job and work out of the Irvine office if I wanted to, but I don't know if I'll still be at this job at that point in time. I'm hoping to eventually be 100% freelance, but we'll have to see. Pat said he could always do UberEats full time until he found something, he's been having better luck with that vs rideshare. I was just lamenting recently how we wished we could have moved away sooner, but like you said it's really hard if you don't have a job lined up. The only way we were able to move here is because we had somewhere we could stay and Pat was able to transfer his job while I was on unemployment. It was pretty rough for a while. Moving out of state would be even harder, especially if you're buying a house because like my current loan is restricted to CA only and you have to have 2 consecutive years in the same employment industry, or buying a house outright in another state would be dicey for us because we'd both need new jobs. If I was 100% freelance, I'd need at least 2 years worth of that income as well.

VK Said: The water at my dad's house takes FOR-EVER to heat up so it can easily be 10 minutes of letting the water run. I heard it's because he has the water heater turned turned way low and he thinks he might be saving money that way, but in reality he's wasting a lot of water that way and as a homeowner, you do pay more for water/garbage in a house, so it doesn't make sense.

CB Replied:  My MIL puts a pitcher under her faucet to catch the cold water while it’s heating up before she showers/hand washes dishes or whatever and then waters plants with it. You could suggest/try that if you need to let it run for a bit to heat up.

and then I Said: Let's Make Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide... The Troubles of OVERPOPULATION are More than Just Too Many People Living in the Bay Area... It's Too Many People EVERYWHERE! Ever notice that there are Thousands of People walking from Central America to Texas looking for a better Life? That because they Can't FEED THEIR CHILDREN in Central America or Mexico... The Catholic Church is Opposed to Birth Control and so there are Millions of Starving Children... and... Abortion Should be Free and Legal Worldwide...

Trump's Border Wall is DOOMED TO FAIL. It's 260 Years Too Late. Mexicans "Invaded" California in 1760... They Founded the Town of Saint Douglas (San Diego)... Then they Founded the City of the Angels (Los Angeles)... San Francisco, San Jose, San Juan Boutista, Santa Clara, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz,The Colorful State (Colorado), The Flowery State (Florida) and the Snowy State (Nevada)...

Trump's Border Wall is also DOOMED because people FLY over it in Airplanes, Sail Around it in Boats and Drive Thru at Checkpoints using Fake ID... What's to prevent a person from Mailing a California Driver License to Tijuana? Then a Person that LOOKS SIMILAR presents it at the Crossing at San Ysidro... A Walls won't prevent Identity Fraud... Remember this: The Great Wall of China FAILED to Keep the Chinese Out... There are Chinese on BOTH SIDES of that wall. 

How do you build a wall on a RIVER? The Great River (Rio Grande) divides the State of TEJAS (Texas) from Mexico... 

The OTHER MAIN FLAW with Trump's Border Wall is that Latino People are Not That Scary. I was born in the City of Saint Joseph (San Jose) and about half the people are Hispanic... For example: My Hero in Junior High School was an Elegant Man Named Isidro M... He was the Basketball Coach... On my Facebook Group of Alumni from The Cats High School (Los Gatos) everyone agreed that he was a LOVED and RESPECTED Teacher... 

Why would you want to build a wall between the USA and Mexico when Mexicans are nice people? Perhaps Trump was Mugged by Puerto Ricans when he was a Child in Queens? Maybe THAT's why he has so much hatred... I remember the Musical "West Side Story" was about rival Street Gangs... One made up of Polish Kids and the Other was Puerto Rican... A famous song was "Maria" and then they Named a Hurricane "Maria" that wiped out the Island Of Puerto Rico... Trump's FEMA Failed Badly to repair Puerto Rico...  

One of the Secrets to the Success of Silicon Valley was that corporate leaders hired smart people from all over the world move to San Jose to work in Computers... My Next Door neighbor was from Nicaragua... Who knew that there were Computer Scientists in Nicaragua? IBM did... We also knew a Nazi who came to NASA after WW2...  When I went to work at System Industries in Santa Clara most of the employees were Asian or Hispanic... I had a LOT of Respect for my direct supervisor who was a Harley Davidson Riding Martial Artist... I certainly did what he told me to do... I was afraid of him because he could beat me up... but he never had to because I simply Honored His Wisdom... 

Trump's Failed Wall MEME

I Live in a Multi Racial Group Home. It's Great! All the Paying Residents are Old White People and all the Employees are Black, Asian or Hispanic.

There are NOT Enough White Care Givers to Do The Work so The Owner of this Assisted Living Facility hires Immigrants from Third World Countries. I find that Speaking Spanish Has Advantages! 

This House Reminds Me Of the Song "Ol Man River" as sung by Paul Robeson... "Colored folks work on the Mississippi,
Colored folks work while de white folks play,"

Joe Biden Says: ASSAULT RIFLES SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. - That's simple and Smart! - He also says: VIDEO GAMES NOT THE CAUSE OF GUN VIOLENCE... Well, DUH!

Headline: Trump blames everything but his own words for hate in America... Says VIDEO GAMES are the Cause of the El Paso #MAGAKiller... Well, that's Obviously FALSE... They Play Video Games in Europe but DO NOT Have Mass Murder... 

We need a Buyback Program where current owners of Assault Rifles can turn them in and get CASH NOW! Then the Government could MELT THE GUNS. 

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In Other News: China Refuses to Buy ANY Agricultural Products from the USA... American Farmers Left in EVEN WORSE shape...

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The Stock Market Crashed Yesterday: DJIA loses about 3% - Wall Street Hates Trump's Crazy Trade War.

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CNN Article says: "President Donald Trump tried to blame a lot of things Monday for a series of horrific shootings over the weekend. What he didn't do was take any of the blame onto himself or pledge to change his rhetoric.

He did blame violent video games, mental illness, the internet and a culture that promotes violence for helping to foster white nationalism and hatred behind at least one of the shootings that shocked the country.

He did not acknowledge the fact that he often traffics in some of the same language as white supremacists like the one who killed 22 people in El Paso."

White Supremacist Gun Nut uses AK-47 to Murder Three (3) at Gilroy Garlic Festival. and some FREE COLORING BOOK art to Relax and Enjoy - gvan42

Heart Art and Diamond Quest - FREE COLORING BOOK art to Relax and Enjoy - by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Heart Art and Diamond Quest
They say "An apple a day keeps the Doctor Away." 
This is especially true if you 
throw the apple at the Doctor 
as he is approaching... 
THAT will keep him away! 

Four Winds - FREE COLORING BOOK art to Relax and Enjoy - by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
Four Winds

Does anyone really believe we need 
an AK-47 to Hunt Deer?

Geometric Abstract Art by Gregory Vanderlaan  - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print the images and color with felt pens - or just leave them black and white if you want to

Geometric Abstract Art by Gregory Vanderlaan  - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print the images and color with felt pens - or just leave them black and white if you want to

Geometric Abstract Art by Gregory Vanderlaan  - part of the gvan42 FREE COLORING BOOK series - print the images and color with felt pens - or just leave them black and white if you want to

In this instance of mass murder using a gun, 
the man bought the gun legally in Nevada 
and then drove it into the State of California. 
He was White and all of the Victims were Latino...
Could it be a Race War?

and then the NEXT DAY two (2) people 
were killed with a GUN at a WALMART...

Deport Devin Nunes. Send Him Right Back Where He Came From! He's Obviously Unqualified to Serve in Congress... He's Hispanic! - Satire of CZAR Donald the Loser...

Trump is really into sending Americans with Brown Skin "Back where they Came from"  ... and... Trump Claimed a Judge Couldn't Possibly be a Valid Judge because he was Latino! 

Should we Deport Illegal Alien Melainija Knavs (Flotus) - and her Chain Migration Parents TOO.

The Case Against Rep. Devin Nunes.

Devin Nunes’ Fake News Site Suggests Male Privilege Doesn’t Exist. Lowlights from its short-lived Twitter feed.

What an Explosive Story About Devin Nunes’ Family Farm Means for His High-Profile House Race... “People want to make sure we have a congressman that is not hypocritical.”

tRUMP "Shoots Himself in the Foot" with his FAKE National Emergency that the VAST Majority of Americans Do Not Want... NO WALL...

Hatred for Latinos does not sell with Most People... He can Scream "Danger Danger" but WE THE PEOPLE are not fooled... Actual Arrests of People coming over the Border with Mexico are at a 20 YEAR LOW... More Latino People are Moving from the USA to Mexico than are Coming in...

There IS NO NATIONAL EMERGENCY... It's all just Racism...


The Great Wall of China FAILED to keep the Chinese Out. Look at a Map. The wall is in the middle of the country... Chinese People Live On Both Sides!

The Berlin Wall, FAILED To keep the East Germans In... As President Reagan said: "Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall."

Hadrian's Wall FAILED to keep the Scottish People out of England. The Romans built that wall and then they ran back home to Italy.

The Only WALL that was Successful was Pink Floyd's...

tRUMP'S Wall is about 260 years too late... Mexicans Colonized California starting in 1760... Father Junipero Serra built Missions starting in San Diego (Saint Douglas) all the Way to San Francisco (Saint Francis of Assisi)... all the Towns have Mexican Names... Los Angeles (The Angels), Sacramento (The Sacrament), San Jose (Saint Joseph), Los Gatos (The Cats).... White People didn't move to California until 1849 when Gold was Discovered and then the USA stole All the Land from Mexico... Originally Mexicans Owned Colorado, Texas, Arizona, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada...

We have been living with Mexicans for Hundreds of Years... Peacefully... This SPANISH PANIC of tRUMP's is ABSURD...

Ever hear the Song SPANISH PANIC from the Musical "Once Upon a Mattress"?

Voting in 2018 can lead to an end of Donald Trump's attack on Mexican Americans.

When the Democrats take over the House of Representatives and the Senate we can have Impeachment Hearings Started. At the very least, a Democratic Congress will stop further evil being done. Ask your friends... Is it a danger to vote? Does that act put undocumented family members in danger of being deported? I believe that it is safe to vote. I believe that it is safe to fill out the Census. I may be wrong.

Trump's war against Hispanic people has lead to Actual American Citizens being chased by police and dying in a car crash. The ICE police target anyone that looks Mexican. Spanish Names... Brown Skin... Trump's ICE Army is a danger to those people. We can rise up together and throw out the Politicians that support this war on immigrants and anyone that LOOKS like an immigrant.

Register and vote. Make your voice heard. Did you notice that the herbicide Roundup is widly used in California's Central Valley? Roundup Causes Cancer. The main use is in the valley South of Sacramento. The people that live and work there are mainly Latino. They are being poisoned so that Monsanto can make a profit. Politicians are  not outraged by this poisoning because the victims are Latino... They just don't care!

Let's elect people that are Brown, Black, White, Yellow, Red, male, female and Paisley! The era of Rich Old White Christian Men ruling the USA is ending soon. Vote!

Trump is encouraging racism and trying to divide us. Resist the propaganda that fosters hate. Happy Holidays to You!

The common feelings of hate for others is being promoted by both The Russians on Facebook, Twitter and Google AND the Trump Administration...

For example: Trump promotes a new law that would cut immigration in half and require that immigrants speak English. This law builds on the common fear of strangers... The feeling that "those people over there" are weird... and dangerous...

Trump proclaims that we will be able to say Merry Christmas Again... That's because HIS religion is supposedly the only true Religion... All those Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Atheists are not very interested in saying Merry Christmas... Happy Holidays is fine for us...

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