Trump's war against Hispanic people has lead to Actual American Citizens being chased by police and dying in a car crash. The ICE police target anyone that looks Mexican. Spanish Names... Brown Skin... Trump's ICE Army is a danger to those people. We can rise up together and throw out the Politicians that support this war on immigrants and anyone that LOOKS like an immigrant.
Register and vote. Make your voice heard. Did you notice that the herbicide Roundup is widly used in California's Central Valley? Roundup Causes Cancer. The main use is in the valley South of Sacramento. The people that live and work there are mainly Latino. They are being poisoned so that Monsanto can make a profit. Politicians are not outraged by this poisoning because the victims are Latino... They just don't care!
Let's elect people that are Brown, Black, White, Yellow, Red, male, female and Paisley! The era of Rich Old White Christian Men ruling the USA is ending soon. Vote!