Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

All of a Sudden, It's Fashionable to Ride a Bicycle to Work... and Everywhere Else Too. Want to Cut Your Gasoline Bill in Half? Ask Me How... Click Here!

Simply Drive Half as Far! Remember: Every Time you Start the Car You CAUSE Climate Change... Ask Yourself: Do I Really Need To Drive This Trip? REALLY? Couldn't I Substitute a ZOOM Meeting for a Face to Face Meeting? 

OR Ride a Bicycle... It's the Actual BURNING Of Fossil Fuel That is the Problem... 

Ride a Bicycle - It's FUN! Just ask Dr. Albert Hoffman...
Ride a Bicycle - It's FUN! Just ask Dr. Albert Hoffman...

or Ride a Tricycle... or Just Don't GO Places... One Thing We ALL Learned During the COVID 19 Pandemic is... There isn't really that much need to GO PLACES... 

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Gasoline Price Too High? Better Stop Driving... Why Pay a Fortune to Pollute the Air and Cause Climate Change When You Could Simply Leave The Damn Thing PARKED?

If You Sell Your Car You No Longer Have to Pay for Car Insurance. All those Crazy Ads on TV... They are Not Talking to ME! LiMu Emu? UckFay ouYay!

I Cut my Driving from About 50 Miles Per Day to 1 Mile per day by Simply NOT GOING PLACES... I DO Use LYFT to Visit the Doctor Twice a Year... 

Climate Change Word Art World
I remember Riding the Bus To Work...
That's Excellent in Comparison to Driving a Car.

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Shredded Rainbow Spiral Business Cards For Sale. <--- Click on the Link!

Shredded Rainbow Spiral Art for sale as Business Cards on Zazzle gregvan

Link to Spiral Art Painted on Bling: 

Link to Rainbow Art Painted on Bling:

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and then on FaceBORG: a MEME... 
Dead meme on FaceBORG
and I Replied: Except Local Bands Playing Dead Songs... I've Had a Great time at those cover band events... Like the New Potato Caboose playing Outdoors at Wilbur's Farm in Maryland... They handed out invitations in the Parking Lot of the Capital Center at a Grateful Dead Show... and that's the same way I got an Invitation to the Rainbow Gathering in Pennsylvania 1987... Someone was handing out cards... like postcard size... and there was a Phone Number... When you called it had a Tape recording giving directions and the Date... July 1 - 7... 

MH Said: Jerry Garcia Band did play concerts too…
and I Replied: 
and I had fun at Bob Weir's Concerts too... One time Mickey Hart lead the worlds largest drum circle at Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville... right next to Wavy Gravy's Camp Winnarainbow... Frankly Speaking, Arcata, California and Mendocino are Wonderful too!

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Interesting Author: Derrick Jensen... deep ecology...

Required reading at Humboldt State University: A Language Older than Words... about inter species communication... Like between Me and My Cats... 

JUST PARK IT. Let's Cut Driving in Half... It's the Burning of Fossil Fuel That is Causing Climate Change. Cars, Trucks, Vans, Buses and Jet Airplanes. Ask Yourself: Is It Absolutely Required that I Drive?

Can You Find Happiness Without Destroying Life on Earth?

Sure... People Say That Climate Change will only Kill Off Four Billion Humans and Then The World Will Heal BUT... Why Not Take Action Now and Prevent Disaster?

All That Mad Rushing Around Traveling All Over the Place FOR AMUSEMENT is in My Past... Yes... I Used to Drive All Over the USA in order to Dance at Grateful Dead Concerts... WELL... We Can't Do That Anymore... 

My Little White Truck with a Red, White and Blue Heart painting - gvan42
My Little White Truck with a
Red, White and Blue Heart painting.

Buying Used Stuff at Thrift Stores DOES NOT CAUSE ECOLOGICAL DAMAGE Like Buying New Stuff Does. When You Buy a New Product, the Corporation Has to Replace It.

They Mine Raw Materials, grow plants (like cotton) using pesticides and herbicides, Log Forests, Employ Slave Laborers in the Orient, Burn Gasoline Shipping the Plastic Crap Here From China... and on and on and on... Used Products ALREADY EXIST and so Buying Stuff at The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop (my local store) does NOT Harm the Planet. Actually, They Hire Local People to Work as Clerks and Do Delivery. We Bought ALL our Living Room Furniture there. Three Chairs and a Sofa... and Men Delivered It Upstairs in Our Home. NO WAY could I Move those Heavy Objects Up That Staircase... I Tipped those Guys $10 Each... and they were really Thankful. Yes, I Could Have Spent a Fortune at Sears or KMART but... I Prefer to Keep The Money IN MY WALLET. I Like Employing Guys That Live At The Rescue Mission. The Mission Does Good Work Here in Eureka and I've Met a LOT of Real People That They Help. I did buy new Beds at Sears. Somehow, those were just too Personal to Buy Used... also, I Do Not Buy Used Underwear... BUT, Clothes? YES! It's actually fun to find thrift stores in Super Rich Neighborhoods and Live Like the TV Show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous..." A Great Place to Shop is North Shore Lake Tahoe... Snow Bunnies often Donate Extra Stuff When the Season is Over... and There is Also DUMPSTER DIVING in College Towns at the End of the School Year... FREE STUFF! 

Oddly, I Expressed These Opinions during a Group Discussion at an Ecology Class at Humboldt State University and ALL THE OTHER STUDENTS SAID I WAS WRONG... They said that Used Stuff Still Requires Ecological Damage to Exist at All... I tried to explain that the Manufacturing Damage Happened IN THE PAST and it is impossible to Change History but Buying New Stuff CAUSES Purchasing Agents at Corporations to Hire People to Create New Stuff IN THE FUTURE to Fill the Shelves At The Store. No One Grasped the Concept. But I Did Make The Other Students Think. and That's a Good Thing. It's a difficult concept... I Wish I Could Explain it in a Shorter Sentence... Maybe YOU can Re-Write the Concept Better and Post it in the Comments Section... Thanks!

Remember: There are Two Ways to Get Everything You Want. Get More or Want Less.

Skolstrejk för klimatetat #ClimateStrike - Protest Online Using "digital strikes" Instead of Mass Rallies in the Streets - Take Worldwide ECO-ACTION! - Greta Thunberg says: “We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”

Important Movie: I Am Greta

I Am Greta is a 2020 internationally co-produced 

documentary film directed by Nathan Grossman, 

following climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

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and then I read this On Facebook... All About California and Forest fires... 

If you're not from California, here are some important things you need to know about our fires:
Most of our fires are grass fires, not forest fires. In the summer, our grass turns a beautiful golden color all over the state. Rolling, golden hills will always mean "home" to me. Even if California's forests were "raked" daily, the fires would still be happening.
The state of California manages just 3% of our forest land. The federal government manages most of it. So when Trump says that California's forest land is mismanaged, think: "
; you just played yourself."
If you lived in California in the 80s, you might remember people saying that California would basically burn down every year if we did not do something about "global warming," as we called it at the time. And here we are.
California is huge. We have the world's fifth largest economy, surpassed only by the US as a whole, China, Japan, and Germany. California's economy is larger than every other nation on earth. When you hear that we're "failing" and a "shithole," that's political propaganda. Economically, geographically, and demographically, we are one of the most diverse political entities on the planet.
This means that very little you can say about California applies to the state as a whole. Life in San Francisco resembles life in London more than it resembles life in Bakersfield. Part of the beauty and allure of California is that, no matter what you want, we have it. Metropolitan cities are an hour away from rolling farmland, which is an hour away from the desert, which is a few hours away from snow-capped mountains. Get in your car and drive in any direction for a few hours and you'll see six different Californias.
People come here from all over the world, and that's our strength. We are your future-- no one race or ethnicity has a majority here, although Latinx people have the plurality, which will soon be true for America as a whole. But even "Latinx" is a category so broad as to be almost meaningless. California was once Mexico, so people of Mexican descent have always had the demographoc upper hand, but you can't pick up a square mile of California anywhere without getting Salvadorans and Guatemalans in that mix, along with Syrians, Lebanese, Persians, Ethiopians, people from the Caribbean, Chinese, Filipinx, and so much more. That diversity has always been one of our greatest strengths. You've heard of Sutter's Mill, where gold was first discovered? It's in the town of Coloma, which was almost entirely owned by a family of formerly enslaved Black people. You can still see the son's smithy and several other historic family buildings if you go there, which I recommend that you do! The whole town is basically a California history field trip.
California has always opened her arms to the world, and it's made us stronger, better, wealthier, and more beautiful.
We have nothing but love to give the rest of the United States. Well, that and our significant tax contributions (we pay more to the federal government than we get back), ports, industry, films, and music. Oh, and we produce the most food of any state. But mostly love.
So the next time someone tries to blame grass fires caused by lightning on "bad forest management," stand up for the Golden State, OK?

and I Replied:

I remember that TV Interview with Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom and Trump... Trump was speaking of the Fire That Happened in the town of "PLEASURE" - The Actual Fire happened in the town of "PARADISE" - A Classic Example of An Old Person with a FRIED BRAIN... The meanings of the words are similar and they reside in the same location of the brain... and When Trump attempted to DO DATA RETRIEVAL of the NAME of the Town He was standing in... There was a Data Error and the Wrong word popped out of his mouth... I am a 67 Year old man and some "Senior Moments" have happened in my life... BUT... I'm retired and errors just don't matter when you're retired... That's WHY It's Really Important for OLD PEOPLE to Retire... and GET OUT of Politics... Look at Biden... He's Freaking Senile... NOT as Bad as Trump but... Joe really ought to be sitting near the wood burning stove at the country store and... babble about "Kids These Days"

and she said:
Yeah, it's no big deal when an older person accidentally says the wrong word. But someone like that should not be President of the United States. The president needs to be able to address the nation in a clear and articulate manner. But if they talk in word salad, people get confused and misinterpret some of what they said. And that's a problem with someone as prominent and important as the president, because people are listening to them and looking to them for guidance. So it's not a job for anyone who can't articulate properly.

I replied:

What I've noticed is sometimes it takes me a week to remember someone's name... for example: the editor of the school newspaper at HSU... I really admired her for being like Woodward and Bernstein... Well, I'm certain to remember her NOW... Eileen McGee, KHDU radio, Arcata, California (she also worked at the School Radio Station)

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Massive #ArrestTrump Movement on Social Media. Millions of Americans are Demanding That The DOJ "Lock Him UP!" Read Help Defend Democracy! Post Your Own Memes, Videos and Rants! or Like and Share Mine...

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UFO Report - Have Any of You Seen a UFO? I'm Collecting Eyewitness Accounts Here. Read My Story and Add Your Own!

Type your eyewitness report in 
the comment box below. Thanks! 
Or You May Email Me At:
gregvan (at) yahoo (dot) com

Rainbow Atomic Power Symbol - gvan42

My Own UFO Story: I saw Strange Lights in the Sky at Sunset. It Remained Unidentified for about 10 Minutes While I Chased it... and Then I Heard the Motorcycle Engine above Me and I Realized that it was an Ultralight Airplane. It had Two Automobile Headlights... That's What I Saw... Disappointing... But Chasing a UFO is FUN! 

and I Participated in the Mark Sims Harmonic Convergence... We Had a Synchronized Global Meditation with Chanting... Outdoors at Night... Inviting Aliens to Come and Visit... We are Ready and Welcome Extra Terrestrials With Open Hearts... Totally Disappointing... Nothing... But it was Fun to Sit Calmly and look at the Stars... and Let My Thoughts Go Wild...

Ezekiel's Wheel floating over Orangevale, CA

George's UFO Story: As a Sailor in the US Navy they were in a Ship near Antarctica and South America. He Saw a Flying Craft that Came very close to the Ship, circled around a couple of times and then Left. Then the Captain Spoke on the Intercom and said. "None of Us Saw Anything and We Shall Never Speak of this Again." And they didn't... Until many years later when George was a Civilian... He said that was all he knew... 

Mike's UFO Story: Mike never saw anything odd while flying in an airplane. His father did. His father worked as a Commercial Jet Pilot and He Saw a Flock of Flying Saucers while on a flight in Florida. He Mentioned them to Ground Control and They Said "We See them Too. Your Report is noted. Stay on Course" The Flying Saucers did not Interfere with the airplane's Flight and so the Passengers were not Informed. End of Story. 

Ezekiel's Story: From the Bible... He saw a Flying Craft That Looked Like Wheels within Wheels with Eyes all around...  
Ezekiel Wheel and Four Headed Alien
Ezekiel's Wheel was Piloted by a Four-Headed Alien. With the head of a Man, an Ox, an Eagle, and a Lion... Just like the Illustration Above!

on a slightly different subject... 
fire fighting Helicopter dipping a bucket in water
Here's a Helicopter Dipping a Bucket into a River to Drop Water on a Wildfire. We need to Buy 1,000 of these to put out Fires THIS SUMMER! Remember Last Summer we had Fires near Lake Tahoe and Lake Almanor? Plenty of Water... Not enough Helicopters... DUH!
A helicopter bucket is a specialised bucket suspended on a cable carried by a helicopter to deliver water for aerial firefighting. Each bucket has a release valve on the bottom which is controlled by the helicopter crew. When the helicopter is in position, the crew releases the water to extinguish or suppress the fire below.
Fire Fighting Helicopter with Water Bucket

We Need 100 More Fire Fighting Helicopters in the USA. Simply Dip a Bucket in a Lake, Dump Water on the Fire. Tell Your Elected Officials That We Want Them to Take Action!

The Entire West is Burning... Every Year there will be MORE MORE MORE fires... and Two of California's Massive Fires - Were Near Lakes... One Near Lake Tahoe and One Near Lake Almanor... and Both Lakes Had Water in them... We Could Have Put those Fires Out Early... If We Only Had Helicopters. 

Tell Your Representatives to Buy Some Helicopters! Enter your California address and click the locate button to find your State Senate and Assembly representatives.

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How to Make a Molotov Cocktail - a Flaming Alcoholic Beverage!

Two Shots of Vodka, a Cup of Hot Coffee and a Shot of Benedictine. Light it on Fire... 

Speaking of Flames and Smoke...

 Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire... 
Many Tanks Not Burning Yet... 
Massive Clouds of Black Smoke...
Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire 3/26/2022
Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire 3/26/2022

Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire ground view
Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire
Huge Clouds of Black Smoke.

Ukraine Fuel Depot on Fire - Russian Rocket Attack
Ukraine: Fuel Depot on Fire
Russian Rocket Attack

and I kept on thinking about the Air Pollution Downwind... People Coughing and Choking for Maybe a Hundred Miles... If it burns for Days...
So Far Only a Few Tanks are on Fire...
What If They All Blow UP?

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and on a different subject... 

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What If all the People that Actually Do Things Went on Strike? What If The Mothers, The Carpenters, The Grocery Store Clerks, The Farmers, The Truck Drivers, The Nurses... ALL WALKED OUT? 

What if the Corporate CEOs, The Investment Bankers, The Lawyers, The Politicians, The Tenured College Professors, The Police HAD TO RUN SOCIETY BY THEMSELVES? 

Basically the Ayn Rand Story but based in REALITY... Atlas Shrugged...  

hexagonner by gvan42

and on FaceBORG: JB Said in response to this meme...
sixties FaceBORG Meme

There were no great new ideas in the 1960s! They were just recycled old cast-off ones from earlier eras that had failed! The "pill" brought on "free love" which was the big push toward the moral decline we are in today! Society needs moral standards to hold it together. The 60's were about casting off moral standards in favor of if-it-feels-good-do-it! We've now had several generations of people grow up with no moral compass and it shows in our disintegrating society!

CC Echoed the Concept:  it started way before the 60’s how about the turn of the century which led to prohibition. Society cast off morals like old clothes look at the Roman Empire. Can’t blame one generation of people.

and I replied: and there was 15 years of Peace following the End of the Vietnam War... and The USA Never Forced people to Go Fight as Soldiers Again... GEE, That was a Pretty GREAT IDEA from the 1960s... Totally Reduced the number of Americans Dying from BOGUS Wars!
AWAKEN! Reality Exists!

Chart - Military Deaths from each US War - DOD Data - Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

and then I Posted: The MUSIC Was Great. It was all that LSD and Marijuana that Inspired the Beatles, Moody Blues, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead... Rolling Stones, Steve Miller, Santana, Iron Butterfly, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Donovan... Country Joe and the Fish!
But the Censors Declined to Post it!

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KQ Said: Most people are ignorant of the fact that mainstream media is heavily sponsored by big, toxic-producing, junk food and drug producers! Ads for junk foods and pharmaceuticals permeate TV and the Internet which should be against the law, as in other countries.

I replied: Since I always turn the sound off during Commercials... I have plenty of time to read the fine print at the bottom of the screen... I'm outraged by the side effects and SOME DRUGS proudly announce that there is a habit forming danger for their Anti Sleeping Sickness Medicine... That means: We Have Legal Speed! Go to your Doctor and Get this Methamphetamine Substitute! Coke too Expensive? We have Payment plans for our Drugs!

Just a few years ago the FDA Approved Fentanyl as a Prescription drug that Cancer Patients could use to ease the Pain while they were dying... The Thought was... They are dying, why suffer? and Don't worry about addiction... Death will be the end of their Habit... and Now Hundreds of Thousands of People are dying from Illegal Fentanyl that's made in China... Shipped to the USA - and Put into almost all Illegal Drugs... Cocaine + Fentanyl, Methamphetamine + Fentanyl, Marijuana + Fentanyl... MDMA + Fentanyl... 

It's the "Hamburger Helper" of the Illegal Drug Business... Cheap to make, Huge Profits when sold to People... 

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