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Who Will Protect the Opium Now that the US Military has Left Afghanistan? Our Main Mission Was Protecting the Crop... While Pretending to Fight a War on Drugs.

Chart Says: "Big drop due to Taliban ban before US-led invasion deposed them at end of 2001" and Points to Opium Crop Production of Almost ZERO Acres... 

UN Chart: opium production in Afghanistan - Note the Drop when Taliban Ruled the Country
UN Chart: Opium Production in Afghanistan

The United States spent more than $8 billion over 15 years on efforts to deprive the Taliban of their profits from Afghanistan's opium and heroin trade, from poppy eradication to airstrikes and raids on suspected labs.

That strategy failed...  

Headline: Profits and poppy: Afghanistan's illegal drug trade a boon for Taliban.

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Headline: How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost... 

Opium is woven deeply into the fabric of the conflict in Afghanistan, now the longest war in American history.

The profits from the heroin it produces are used to fund the Taliban, as well as terrorist groups like the so-called Islamic State and Al Qaeda.

And heroin also drives the rampant corruption that is so corrosive to civil society in Afghanistan.

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and Now for Something Completely Different:

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On Facebook a Guitar Player asked: Is it worth learning modes? Why or why not? 

YES! Learn modes because someday you might play with New Age Synthesizer players... one trick they employ is "just play black notes" - and that is an excellent plan for Outer Space Improv... and that's a MODE... Tune your guitar down a Half step so the E strings are Eb and Noodle Away!

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