Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

War Is Over! Now, the PEACE DIVIDEND: Let's Cut the Pentagon Budget in Half and Refund that Money to The Taxpayers... We Ought to Have 15 Years of Peace because the US Government Has "Learned It's Lesson!"

It's Obvious that the Leaders of the Military Industrial Complex Bribe Corrupt Politicians into Starting CrazyWars® - Just Look at the Last Few Wars... all totally Pointless... except... Corporate Profit! Look at all the Humvees we Just Gave the Taliban... and Machine Guns, Bullets, Helicopters and Airplanes... 

War is Over - If You Want It. John and Yoko
War is Over! If You Want It. John and Yoko

War is Over! If You Want It. John and Yoko
Smart People Have Been Protesting Against
the Pointless US Wars for Over 50 Years...

Remember the Insanity of the War in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan? ABSURD! Trillions of Dollars Spent and 65,000 Dead American Soldiers... FOR NOTHING!
Humvees Given to the Taliban
Humvees Given to the Taliban...
Your Tax Dollars at Work!

Military Madness

Headline: Taliban captures 2,000 U.S. armored vehicles, up to 40 aircraft’s and small arms. 

What Can We DO to the Corporate Leaders of the Military Industrial Complex? How Can We Help Them Learn to STOP DOING EVIL?

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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