Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

SERIOUS QUESTION: Does LSD Improve Long term Memory? What is YOUR Experience? One fact I have noticed is that some events SEEM MORE SIGNIFICANT and are easier to remember than others. For example:

Since I am 67 Years Old I'm starting to have trouble remembering events in my life. My Trips STAND OUT as Important Events in My Life...

Also, I find that reading and writing to Facebook Groups of people I know is useful for triggering memories. True Brain Training that works. This group inspired me to write down every event in my entire life... My AutoBiography...

Take a Break from Reality and Visit My Art Gallery...
Click on the LINK Above!
One fact I have noticed is that some events SEEM MORE SIGNIFICANT and are easier to remember than others. For example: I saw all three Star Wars Movies in the Theater. I don't really remember that experience as different than my memories of watching reruns on TV. EXCEPT The Third Movie... I went on opening night and bought some LSD from a Tie Dyed Person in line... THAT MOVIE EVENT STANDS OUT! The Emperor saying "and now young Skywalker, you must die..." is VIVID! Also driving home I went thru some road construction with those super bright lights... It felt like I was piloting one of those spaceships from the movie... Yes, I have driven a car on LSD... The other time was at a George Harrison Concert... Right after he played the Concert for Bangladesh he went on tour with Ravi Shankar and Billy Preston. I was truly annoyed by the people in the audience who BOOED Ravi Shankar. I guess they didn't like Indian Music and were impatient to hear a BEATLE. The High point of the Show was Billy Preston doing Space Race... Anyway, I had difficulty finding the exit from the parking lot that night. No trouble actually driving but I got lost... 

Some decades are a Mystery... Like the Late 1990s... I was drinking Alcohol. Don't Do That. There are better quality drugs... For Example: Marijuana, LSD, Peyote, Magic Mushrooms, DMT and that Unknown Chemical I Ate at the Grateful Dead Concert at RFK Stadium... all of a sudden I realized I was tripping on Something Totally Different... Maybe MDMA? The Stadium Lights swelled up to be 20 feet in diameter... and I did a SUPER SLOW POWER WALK all the way out to my car... People were Laughing at me because I took a step, waited until I GROKKED that exact location Completely, then took another step... and GROKKED that new location... Hey, it was totally different and worthy of study... They said: "Watch OUT for that guy, he's walking really fast and might run you over!" I had just read some Carlos Castaneda books and was interested in Power Walking... In his case, he was able to run through the desert in total darkness... my experience was the opposite.

I also liked to eat Heavenly Blue Morning Glory Seeds. They contain LSA, a chemical that is similar to LSD. It was really fun to drive my wife's sports car on the twisty mountain roads near Santa Cruz... 

In a classic example of "Hey Kids, Don't do this at Home..." I do not recommend driving a car high on psychedelics. DON'T Do It! Hire a Chauffeur! or go way out into the woods on a backpacking trip... those are some of the best trips! Since you are far away from Law Enforcement... Crazy Behavior is Tolerated! 

psychedelic art by gregory vanderlaan gvan42 purple64ets
Quest for Knowledge
another silly picture created using AutoPsychedelicizer
functions built into Potatoshop!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

A Million Trips Later, What was LSD All About Anyway? Was it a Recreational Drug? Was it More Like a Telephone that Allowed People to Call GOD DIRECTLY?

Was it a Significant Event in The History of The World or as Trivial as a Roller Coaster Ride? We Did Get a Lot of Excellent Rock Music Songs. Is it Even Possible to Buy a "Stairway to Heaven" anymore? 

I Have Noticed that People Who Had the Psychedelic Experience Turned Out to BE NICE, KIND and HAPPY. GREED FREAKS Often Missed Out on "The Sixties..." 

The CIA Project MKULTRA Concluded that LSD Had No Value as a "Weapon of War." Does it Have a Value as a "Weapon of PEACE?" In General, Populations that Took LSD Turned Out To Be LESS VIOLENT than Similar Groups... Acidheads are often interested in Art, Music, Poetry, Organic Farming, Love, Peace, Ecology... GEE, What If Everyone Was Like That? 

We are Seeing a Movement to Legalize Magic Mushrooms... What About LSD and Peyote? What IF We Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics FIRST and then Recreational Psychedelics Later. The Main Advantage to Legalization is there Would Not Be the FEAR of Getting Arrested as a Setting for Your Trip. I Have Experienced that Tripping WAY OUT IN THE WOODS has a FREEDOM aspect to it. On Occasions where My Friends and I Were the Only People for Miles Around... We were More Relaxed than Tripping in Public. 

ANOTHER Massive Advantage is that the Chemical Fabrication of LSD Would be Better Quality. Often, Illegal Chemists Make a Substandard Product OR Sell an Entirely Different Chemical (DOM) and Call it "ACID" - I Have Spoken with People that Took DOM (sometimes called STP) and their Three Day Trip was Frightening and Awful. We Would Certainly Reduce the Number of Trips to the Emergency Room with Quality Control. 

What about all the recent talk about embracing Death? Will We Be Grateful?

Peace Cube - Illustration - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Embrace Rainbow Spiralism 
Two-Tone Coffee Mug FOR SALE!

Like a Tie Dye T-Shirt but... Digital... Of Course, Rainbow Spiralism is MORE than just a Shirt... It's a Way Of Life!

MindSprout Idea Factory. Forge Concepts while you Sleep. Create New Ideas While in "Another Dimension" ... It's Easy! --->Step By Step Instructions!<---

Step 1. ASK for an Idea just before you go to sleep.
{ I ask to visit an art gallery and 
look at the pictures during my dream }
Step 2. When you awaken, write down the idea immediately.
{ I draw a sketch }

You MAY ask for anything to explore during your Lucid Dream.
Like: Ask for the plot to a story...
Imagine that you are in a library and you read a book...
When you awaken, quickly write down what happened...

as you are falling asleep ask again and again and again...
"Tonight when I dream I will Visit an Art Gallery...
and When I Awaken I Will Remember 
What the Pictures were about... "
Psychedelic Art by gvan42 Greg Vanderlaan -  MINDSPROUT Visions
Any altered state can be a rich mine for new concepts.

Sleep and Dreaming is the most practical.
You Do It Everyday... No Cost for DRUGS... 
Sure, Edgar Allen Poe and
Lewis Carroll Smoked Opium to 
Visit Other Worlds BUT... 
Did You Ever Read their Biography? 
They Suffered A LOT!

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 Greg Vanderlaan -  MINDSPROUT Visions

Psychedelic Art by gvan42 Greg Vanderlaan -  MINDSPROUT Visions

Here are some Classic Examples of Cosmic Visions... 
Feel Free to Copy and Paste them Into Your Own Blog
or Social Media Post... 

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