We Started at Sunnyside Campground and
as We Got Higher and Higher in Elevation
We Were Getting Higher and Higher on LSD...
and when I was PEAKING ON ACID
I was on Top of the World!
I wanted to Go Look over the Edge but
the Entire Mountain Seemed to Be Dancing...
So... I Crawled on My Belly to Avoid Falling!
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This is the Map of the Trail... |
That was my First Year at Chico State College and Four of Us wanted to be OUT OF TOWN during Pioneer Week... The Idea of Thousands of Drunken Frat Boys was NOT FUN... and So Many Strangers Coming to Raise Hell and then Leave...
So We went to Yosemite and Camped at the Overflow Campground. One Morning Bright and Early we Dropped Acid and Hiked to the Top of the Mountain... One Effect of LSD is it Gives You a LOT of Energy to Do Hiking or Dancing... It's a Powerful Stimulant so We Had NO TROUBLE Walking the 2700 Foot Change in Elevation...
Then we Rode the Double Decker Bus Around the Park to the Mist Trail. We Sat on the Top Layer of the Bus... It Had No Ceiling... Truly one of the Most Fabulous Adventures POSSIBLE... Outdoors on a Magic Carpet Looking Up at Half Dome...
It appeared to Be a Living Multi Eyed Creature... and when I Looked Away, The Mountains Appeared to be Flowing UP... I'm Still Amused by this Visual Effect... For Example if I Read The Scrolling Letters on the Bottom of CNN TV News Show... and Then I Look Away... Whatever I see Appears to Be Moving Left to Right... Try IT!
The Next Night We were Sitting Around a Campfire Singing Songs and Smoking Marijuana and a Park Ranger Ran out of the Darkness and Arrested ME... He said I'm Gonna Charge You with "Disturbing the Peace" but You Have to Leave the Park Tomorrow... or I'll Change the Charge to "Possession of Marijuana" SO... We Left... and I Paid a $35 Dollar Fine... I'm Sure Glad the Ranger Didn't Attack Me When I was High on LSD... That Would Have Been a BUMMER!
In Fact HE WAS DISTURBING THE PEACE... I was Playing the Harmonica and Smoking Marijuana... PRETTY DAMN PEACEFUL ACTIVITIES! But he was a Freaking PIG! Oink Oink!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
Since We Had Such a Great Time In Yosemite...
The Next Year for Pioneer Week We Went Camping at Hetch Hetchy Reservoir... a MUCH More Private Campground since almost No One Goes There... and It's Just a Fabulous... with Giant Granite Rocks Everywhere... We Took a Marijuana, LSD and Peyote Trip and This time We Just Made Our Own Trail... Since we were above Treeline, Just Wandering Around in the Mountains was Easy... and Privacy WAS Important Because We Didn't Want to Meet any Rangers!
On that Day We All Climbed up a "Chimney" in the Granite Rock... a Place where the Rock has Split apart and The Mountain Climber Puts one Foot on One Side and The Other Foot on the Other Side and Just Behaves Like Spiderman!
Later That Day I Accidentally Slipped into The River... I was Walking Along the Edge watching the Water Bubble UP in a Large Pool... Quite Pretty! That Swim Could Have been Fatal as I was Upstream from a Giant Waterfall... However, as Luck would Have It, I Was Washed to a Place where I Could Climb Out...
A Total Gift From God... I Was Totally Out of Control and The Current of the River Made All Survival Choices For Me... When I Was At The Bottom of The Pool, I Relaxed and Accepted Death... and Then I Was Spared!
Everything Since Then is a Blessing!
I also took a trip at an Anti-War protest march at the White House - I was interviewed on TV as one of those Man on the Street Shots - ranting and raving about the war... and then we Marched over to the Lincoln Memorial and were Faced with a CHOICE - stay in the Street and get arrested when the parade permit expired - and Make a BIG DEAL out of the Whole Thing or... stand on the Sidewalk and go about our business... I Chose to NOT Get Arrested with Daniel Ellsberg and a Hundred other people... who sat down in the street... That Trip was like an Abbie Hoffman Reenactment! Chicago 8 Riots 1968... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Ellsberg
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