Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

How to Get That TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT Feeling. Eat a Hamburger, Fries and a Coke and then Go Sit in the Sunshine. Buddhists SAY That All Life is Suffering But They Are Wrong.

Maybe All Life is Suffering IN INDIA but Here in America... We Have The Technology... Relax and Enjoy Life...

Maybe I'm WRONG... Maybe the Path is a Hamburger, Fries and an Ice Cold BEER! and Then Go Sit in the Sunshine... 

Hexagon Mandala... a Visual Mantra by gvan42

"Round TUIT" Keychain for sale... 
"Someday I'm Going to get Around To It. 
OH! Today's The Day..."

All My Royalties from my Zazzle Store are Donated to A Worthy Charity. Helping a Retired Lady Living on Social Security Make Ends Meet. The Rent on Her Trailer Space Just Increased... For No Reason... Greedy Landlords...

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and Now for Something Completely Different...

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Book: Tongue in Chico

Book: Tongue in Chico - I went there in 1973 and 1974 before I flunked Out... Who knew college could be this funny? In his quest to show what campus life was really like for the pioneering undergrads of Chico State University's Golden Age, our courageous author takes us on a trip to that crazy age between the 60s and 80s -- the rollicking 1970s. You remember those days, don't you? Not quite free love, lots of rock 'n' roll, drugs of the innocent and not-so-innocent kind and the absolute feeling that all was right with the world. This book captivates its readers with astute, amusing and downright hilarious moments in the day in the life of a Chico State Wildcat. Where else can you party with your profs, skinny-dip between class and coast through stop signs on your bike with only a nominal risk of winding up on somebody's windshield? Based on a compilation of past columns from several Northern California weeklies including a stint as ace cub reporter for his college newspaper, C L Smith invites us along on his migration from Southern California to the quaint college town of Chico, California. After college, he finally ditches his shorts, tee-shirts and flip-flops and assumes the identity of a bona fide bon vivant as the editor of the Santa Cruz Good Times. Later, C L Smith was the marketing wizard who introduced several iconic advertising campaigns of the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. And, if you think Smith's college years were funny, wait till you join him for a walk on the wild side of American business in the advertising and wireless worlds.

Peter, Paul and Mary Concert Poster

Someone on Facebook was Remembering 
This PPM Concert... I Never Heard them...

I Went to Many Concerts at The San Jose Civic Auditorium including The Ike and Tina Turner Review... (OH, that was EPIC) - and - Chuck Berry, Bill Haley and the Comets... But We Did NOT go hear Marshall Applewhite Speak about the Heaven's Gate Cult... The City Fathers of San Jose Cancelled That Speech because A Week Earlier MANY People Vanished at a Speech of His in Oregon... Thanks!

Bodega Bar Campbell California

I remember The Bodega Bar where the Band Played their Big Hit Song "The Bicentennial Boogie" - the Singer said... I wrote this before a Hundred other people did... it's so obvious... and That allowed us to travel all over the USA... Big Fun... Thanks! 1976...

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We should ban fracking.
Banning fracking is key to ensuring 
livable future for all of us.

The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.
- Marianne Williamson

Part of the aware journey is having the courage to forgive. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, especially while you figure things out on University Earth. It’s just part of the journey to fail, learn, forgive and level up.

The healing of the world starts in your heart. There is a radiant and beautiful soul ready to shine every time you tap into your own well of compassion. When you dive into that well, you are increasing your capacity for love, empathy and grace. To truly forgive, you must be able to speak from that space. Oftentimes, the act of forgiveness, to yourself, or to others, is the vulnerable gesture that allows you to see yourself in a whole new and brilliant light. When you are illuminated in this light, you will be able to express your authentic story so clearly that your life, and the lives around you, will change. When you step into compassion and forgiveness for yourself, you begin to heal the world.

Let's try something out today. Call up to your mind a time when you might have held back out of fear of "not being good enough". Maybe it was a romantic date or maybe it was a promotion? Remember the sensations of being curious and excited about that opportunity.

What did it feel like in your body?
What was sparking your curiosity?

Next, I want you to do the hard work of feeling into the part of you that told you to avoid that date or deny that promotion. Did you feel a heaviness, a restriction, did you breathing get shallow? What were your thoughts? Was that voice aggressive or sly?

Get to know this voice. Once you're settled in knowing what you wanted and hearing what diverted you from trying, I want you to get centered and take one of those big deep aware breaths with me right now.

Deep breath in, hold for a beat, and let go completely.

Now call that dissenting voice up in your mind and speak directly to it, saying:

"I forgive you for holding me back. I know you were trying to protect me. What I wanted was to experience (insert your original desire here). I am whole enough and ready now to follow my spark."

Take another deep breath and just notice your body and how you are feeling. Feel free to repeat, adjust and personalize this affirmation even more! It helps to be very specific about what it really was you were going for originally. And it helps to repeat this process as needed.

You will know it's working when you feel confident to withstand the uncertainty that comes with following your dreams and sharing your story with the world!

In love & gratitude,

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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