Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Cut Your Gasoline Bill in Half! Ask Me How... Click Here!

Simply Drive Half as Far... Remember: Every Time you Start the Car You CAUSE Climate Change... Ask Yourself: Do I Really Need To Drive This Trip? REALLY? Couldn't I Substitute a ZOOM Meeting for a Face to Face Meeting? 

OR Ride a Bicycle... It's the Actual BURNING Of Fossil Fuel That is the Problem... 

Ride a Bicycle - It's FUN! Just ask Dr. Albert Hoffman...
Ride a Bicycle - It's FUN! Just ask Dr. Albert Hoffman...

or Ride a Tricycle... or Just Don't GO Places... One Thing We ALL Learned During the COVID 19 Pandemic is... There isn't really that much need to GO PLACES... 

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and then I Read Online: 

MD Said: At my daughters house in Bakersfield. Time for my 2 mile walk, I get lost no worries I have GPS, pull out my trusted I-phone put in the coordinates and off I go, it is so fricken hot in Bakersfield, 5 minutes on my journey IPhone conks out and I get a message IPhone needs to cool down grrrr

and I Replied: I had no idea that iPhones FAIL in Hot Temperatures! That's Totally Unacceptable... When I walk around I carry one so IF I FALL DOWN I can call for help... I also take pictures of Flowers and Clouds BUT... The Main Reason is Safety... but I Never go Out when it's Hot. I Can do a Walk at Dawn in the COOL and Listen to the BATS...  

In the Late 1970s I worked at a Computer Company that made communications gear for the USAF... ALL Equipment Must Prove that it worked at High Temperatures and Extreme vibration... Because... In an airplane, it gets hot and things shake... WHY CAN"T APPLE JUST MAKE STUFF LIKE WE DID 50 Years Ago?

Here is a Blank "Stop" Sign for People to Add a Text Message when Making Buttons or Stickers on Zazzle...
Here is a Blank "Stop" Sign for People to Add a Text Message when Making Buttons or Stickers on Zazzle...

For Example: You may Change the Words
If You Want To: GO WILD!

Pink Floyd REALLY Ought to Put "THE MACHINE" On Tour Again... It is the Light Show & Lasers at a Small Basketball Arena while they Played a Recording of a Live Concert... In the Early 1990s... It Cost $5.00 and I Had a Great Time! It was Exactly Like a Rock Concert Except the Actual People Did Not Stand on the Stage... WELL... BIG FUN!

there is a think tank at George Mason University bought by the Koch Brothers that "Studies" Economic Policy... and "Teaches" It to Congress... Every Policy is fundamentally Give rich people more money...

  • there is a think tank at George Mason University bought by the Koch Brothers that "Studies" Economic Policy... and "Teaches" It to Congress... Every Policy is fundamentally Give rich people more money... 

“This sixty-year campaign to make libertarianism mainstream and eventually take the government itself is at the heart of Democracy in Chains. . . . If you’re worried about what all this means for America’s future, you should be.”NPR
An explosive exposé of the right’s relentless campaign to eliminate unions, suppress voting, privatize public education, stop action on climate change, and alter the Constitution.

Behind today’s headlines of billionaires taking over our government is a secretive political establishment with long, deep, and troubling roots. The capitalist radical right has been working not simply to change who rules, but to fundamentally alter the rules of democratic governance. But billionaires did not launch this movement; a white intellectual in the embattled Jim Crow South did. Democracy in Chains names its true architect—the Nobel Prize-winning political economist James McGill Buchanan—and dissects the operation he and his colleagues designed over six decades to alter every branch of government to disempower the majority.

Pinata Economics vs the Trickle Down Theory

Piñata Economics vs the Trickle Down Theory

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