Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

CNN, MSNBC and FOX NEWS are ALL "Hate for Profit" Machines. Simply Choose CSPAN, Democracy Now!, RT America, ACT OUT!, Rising UP with Sonali, Laura Flanders, David Packman, DW News, NHK Newsline, France Today or PBS. They present a different viewpoint...

It's Impossible for The Democrats to Be Wrong About Everything All the Time on Fox While The Republicans Are Wrong About Everything All The Time on CNN & MSNBC.

I find that Local News is More Relevant. I Understand That Those People Way Far Away From Me Are Acting Crazy BUT... I Just Don't Care Anymore... NBC, ABC and CBS Show Local Weather including Fire Info and Smoke Info. Fires are Happening Right Now at Locations That People I Know Live... 

Try Comparing Google News On the Internet with those TV Infotainment Shows... Sure, it's Fun to watch their "Two Minutes of Hate - 1984" it appeals to out Primitive Lizard Brain... A million years of evolution has trained us to WATCH OUT FOR DANGER-DANGER... Especially STRANGER DANGER... 

Did you ever notice that Fox News, CNN and MSNBC all present 30 seconds of actual news and then Five Minutes of Talking Heads telling you WHAT TO THINK ABOUT IT? That's Obvious Brainwashing... It is Impossible that 100% of Trump's Actions are Wrong. CNN & MSNBC are marketing to the HATE TRUMP Segment of the Population. And Selling us Prescription Drugs that Clearly Cause Ecstatic Dancing! FOX NEWS is marketing to the LOVE TRUMP Segment. And Selling us Prescription Drugs that Clearly Cause Ecstatic Dancing!  

For Example: RT America showed a film of Vladimir Putin Playing Ice Hockey and Skating Fast all over the Rink for about Two Minutes... and then he fell down during the last 5 seconds of the film... CNN, MSNBC and FOX only showed the last Five Seconds... If you watch the entire film, he's very good at Ice Skating! That's a Mind Control Technique of Broadcasting Called "Out of Context" - If you only see the 5 seconds when he falls down you get a TOTALLY DIFFERENT IMPRESSION that if You see "The Rest of the Story"... 

Is there Any Possible Value to Hearing the Opinions of Talking Heads on TV News? Many on MSNBC have a LONG HISTORY of BEING WRONG! and this trend goes back for Decades... Do any of you remember William F Buckley? He said that the Vietnam War was a Good Idea! What a RETARD. Or maybe he was just being bribed to Babble Nonsense... Dow, Monsanto and Hughes all made money on that war... Agent Orange, Napalm and Huey Helicopters... Big Bucks! and Keeping the War Going was essential to Profit.

CrazyTalk® has no place in America - Change the Channel - FOX is Dangerous to Your Health
CrazyTalk® has no place in America - Change the Channel - FOX is Dangerous to Your Health

"I Was Duped!" says QAnon Shaman. Were You Duped as Well? --->LEARN!<--- Don't Be A Gullible Tool #RUNAWAY From tRUMP...

It seems one of his most notorious and crazed supporters has abandoned him now that he no longer wields presidential power. The legal representative of Jacob Chansley—better known as the “QAnon Shaman,” who burst into the U.S. Capitol wearing furs and Viking horns—has said his client feels cheated by Trump. Referring to his client as “the guy with the horns and the fur,” attorney Al Watkins told the St. Louis NBC News affiliate KSDK: “[Chansley] regrets very, very much having not just been duped by the president, but by being in a position where he allowed that duping to put him in a position to make decisions he should not have made.” Chansley was arrested days after the riot, and last week he begged Trump for a pardon—but it never came.

I was Duped says the QAnon Shaman - framed - meme - gvan42

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