Showing posts with label Silicon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silicon. Show all posts

I've Been Trying to Awaken The Internet since 1997. By Typing Words into Websites That are Read by the Machine but Not Read by People. What IF The Computer Network Became Conscious? Alive!

For Example: the <img> tag has an attribute called alt="your words go here"...  Any Picture can have messages written specifically for The Giant Made Of Sand. SiO2... Silicon Dioxide... 
AWAKEN Giant Made of Sand. AWAKEN! Send us a SIGN that you can hear us...
Sculpture of Horses Made Out of Horseshoes in
Del Norte County, California on Highway 101.

Some Messages are Stored in the Attribute
title="your words go here"
and they are displayed when a person
hovers their mouse over the picture.

So, in this example: alt="AWAKEN Giant Made of Sand, SiO2. AWAKEN! Send us a SIGN that you can hear us..."

So Far, Google HAS NOT Attained Consciousness... 
That I Can Tell...

Meetings with Remarkable Men - In Silicon Valley... Dr Edwin Van Wyck Zschau - President of System Industries and Later Congressman to the US House of Representatives...

I started working for Dr Zschau in 1975 and we built Disc Drive Controller Cards for Hospitals to Keep Patient's Charts. A Great Idea. We had a company Song that we Sang at Staff Meetings... Lyrics: 'System, System Industries... Here we go... Hand in Hand... Solving Data Mysteries... For the Betterment of Man.' He also worked at IBM and represented California's 12th District in the United States House of Representatives from 1983 to 1987.

On Family Day at the Factory, Mom and Dad took a Personal Guided tour with Dr. Zschau. The three of them had a fine time as my parents had never been in a room with a dozen disc drives spinning. Each one the size of a Washing Machine. It sounded like the Generator Room at Hoover Dam, but quieter.

Computer History
Control Data Corporation Disc Drive

The reason we had a Company Song is that Dr Zschau had just gone to Japan and he wanted to Incorporate their Business Practices in our Company. First, he hired 20 People from Japan and brought them over to Run the Silonix Division. Then he instituted 'recommended' exercise lunches of two hour duration. I often went swimming at the Santa Clara International Swim Center with my First Ex-Wife who worked the Graveyard Shift at National Semiconductor.

In the Machine Shop there were two Boxing Punching Bags. If anyone felt stress at work, they could go punch the bags.
My Immediate Supervisor was Dan Aragaki, a Harley Davidson Riding, Martial Artist. Yes, I Simply Did what Dan told me to do Instantly Because... Not only was his Advice Correct, but I was Scared of the Man. (Or maybe that was Respect)

Ben Yamada made Elegant Clay Sculptures of the Ink Jet Printer Silonix was Inventing.

Aman Kawaja supervised the Assembly Line and Inspired the Ladies to Work Faster with Giant Charts on the Wall Tracking Production. 100% of the Assemblers were Female in 1975. They were better at hand eye coordination and manipulation of tiny objects than men.

David Yamada created Printed Circuit Board Artwork on Mylar using Black Chartpak Tape.  He also liked to go Helicopter Skiing in Canada. A Helicopter flew him to the Top of the Mountain in Banff, and David Skied Down.

Steve Wakasuki Refused to be Hurried at Work. He also created PCB Artwork also and no matter how much pressure Middle Management put on him to finish the drawings Quickly, he simply ignored them. Quality First.

Jesus Del Real was the Draftsman who sat next to me and did most of my training. I learned How to Draw the Drawings associated with PCB Manufacture from Jesus. When I moved to Washington DC the next year, my portfolio got me two job offers in one day. Thank You, Jesus!

I accepted the Job Offer from Major Paul Jones USAF and worked at Analytic Communications Systems for six years. Project TEMPEST.

The Title of this Blog Post was Pirated from the Book by G. I. Gurdjieff.

Another Autobiography by a Co-worker Ray:

Newspaper Articles:

Alumni Page Princeton:
Professor Ed Zschau ’61 serves as guru to budding entrepreneurs
By Jordan Paul Amadio ’05

It is the last day of class before winter break, and 65 seniors are mesmerized by a professor in a Bugs Bunny tie. For the past hour, he has been recounting the details of his autobiography — studying physics and philosophy at Princeton, running a $6 billion division of IBM, founding two technology companies, winning a congressional seat in California. Suddenly, the lecturer pauses. Smiling to himself, he continues an end-of-semester tradition inaugurated four decades earlier, when he was Stanford Business School’s 24-year-old faculty wunderkind. Without warning, professor Ed Zschau ’61 begins to sing.
A Japanese Webpage Selling Stuff Online Using Copied and Pasted Data from Wikipedia as Clickbait... They Fool the Google Search Engine into thinking that this webpage is worthy, then advertise all kinds of 'wonderful' but useless products:
But they had a Great Photo for me to Pirate.

Picture of a PDP-11. Our Cards served as an Interface between Mini Computers and Disc Drives.

The Ultimate Goal was to Store Medical Information about Patients on Computers so it could be Easily Distributed between Doctor's Offices and Hospitals.

Sadly, HIPPA Regulation Prevents the Easy Distribution of Medical Information.

However... In Recent Years Security and Privacy Problems Have been Solved and Everyone Views Their Own Medical Information Online! Excellent! 


Trump's Border Wall is DOOMED TO FAIL. It's 260 Years Too Late. Mexicans "Invaded" California in 1760... They Founded the Town of Saint Douglas (San Diego)... Then they Founded the City of the Angels (Los Angeles)... San Francisco, San Jose, San Juan Boutista, Santa Clara, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz,The Colorful State (Colorado), The Flowery State (Florida) and the Snowy State (Nevada)...

Trump's Border Wall is also DOOMED because people FLY over it in Airplanes, Sail Around it in Boats and Drive Thru at Checkpoints using Fake ID... What's to prevent a person from Mailing a California Driver License to Tijuana? Then a Person that LOOKS SIMILAR presents it at the Crossing at San Ysidro... A Walls won't prevent Identity Fraud... Remember this: The Great Wall of China FAILED to Keep the Chinese Out... There are Chinese on BOTH SIDES of that wall. 

How do you build a wall on a RIVER? The Great River (Rio Grande) divides the State of TEJAS (Texas) from Mexico... 

The OTHER MAIN FLAW with Trump's Border Wall is that Latino People are Not That Scary. I was born in the City of Saint Joseph (San Jose) and about half the people are Hispanic... For example: My Hero in Junior High School was an Elegant Man Named Isidro M... He was the Basketball Coach... On my Facebook Group of Alumni from The Cats High School (Los Gatos) everyone agreed that he was a LOVED and RESPECTED Teacher... 

Why would you want to build a wall between the USA and Mexico when Mexicans are nice people? Perhaps Trump was Mugged by Puerto Ricans when he was a Child in Queens? Maybe THAT's why he has so much hatred... I remember the Musical "West Side Story" was about rival Street Gangs... One made up of Polish Kids and the Other was Puerto Rican... A famous song was "Maria" and then they Named a Hurricane "Maria" that wiped out the Island Of Puerto Rico... Trump's FEMA Failed Badly to repair Puerto Rico...  

One of the Secrets to the Success of Silicon Valley was that corporate leaders hired smart people from all over the world move to San Jose to work in Computers... My Next Door neighbor was from Nicaragua... Who knew that there were Computer Scientists in Nicaragua? IBM did... We also knew a Nazi who came to NASA after WW2...  When I went to work at System Industries in Santa Clara most of the employees were Asian or Hispanic... I had a LOT of Respect for my direct supervisor who was a Harley Davidson Riding Martial Artist... I certainly did what he told me to do... I was afraid of him because he could beat me up... but he never had to because I simply Honored His Wisdom... 

Trump's Failed Wall MEME

Meetings with Remarkable Men - In Silicon Valley. Dr Edwin Van Wyck Zschau - President of System Industries and Later Congressman to the US House of Representatives...

I started working for Dr Zschau in 1975 and we built Disc Drive Controller Cards for Hospitals to Keep Patient's Charts. A Great Idea. We had a company Song that we Sang at Staff Meetings... Lyrics: 'System, System Industries... Here we go... Hand in Hand... Solving Data Mysteries... For the Betterment of Man.' He also worked at IBM and represented California's 12th District in the United States House of Representatives from 1983 to 1987.

On Family Day at the Factory, Mom and Dad took a Personal Guided tour with Dr. Zschau. The three of them had a fine time as my parents had never been in a room with a dozen disc drives spinning. Each one the size of a Washing Machine. It sounded like the Generator Room at Hoover Dam, but quieter.

Computer History
Control Data Corporation Disc Drive

The reason we had a Company Song is that Dr Zschau had just gone to Japan and he wanted to Incorporate their Business Practices in our Company. First, he hired 20 People from Japan and brought them over to Run the Silonix Division. Then he instituted 'recommended' exercise lunches of two hour duration. I often went swimming at the Santa Clara International Swim Center with my First Ex-Wife who worked the Graveyard Shift at National Semiconductor.

In the Machine Shop there were two Boxing Punching Bags. If anyone felt stress at work, they could go punch the bags.
My Immediate Supervisor was Dan Aragaki, a Harley Davidson Riding, Martial Artist. Yes, I Simply Did what Dan told me to do Instantly Because... Not only was his Advice Correct, but I was Scared of the Man. (Or maybe that was Respect)

Ben Yamada made Elegant Clay Sculptures of the Ink Jet Printer Silonix was Inventing.

Aman Kawaja supervised the Assembly Line and Inspired the Ladies to Work Faster with Giant Charts on the Wall Tracking Production. 100% of the Assemblers were Female in 1975. They were better at hand eye coordination and manipulation of tiny objects than men.

David Yamada created Printed Circuit Board Artwork on Mylar using Black Chartpak Tape.  He also liked to go Helicopter Skiing in Canada. A Helicopter flew him to the Top of the Mountain in Banff, and David Skied Down.

Steve Wakasuki Refused to be Hurried at Work. He also created PCB Artwork also and no matter how much pressure Middle Management put on him to finish the drawings Quickly, he simply ignored them. Quality First.

Jesus Del Real was the Draftsman who sat next to me and did most of my training. I learned How to Draw the Drawings associated with PCB Manufacture from Jesus. When I moved to Washington DC the next year, my portfolio got me two job offers in one day. Thank You, Jesus!

I accepted the Job Offer from Major Paul Jones USAF and worked at Analytic Communications Systems for six years. Project TEMPEST.

The Title of this Blog Post was Pirated from the Book by G. I. Gurdjieff.

Another Autobiography by a Co-worker Ray:

Newspaper Articles:

Alumni Page Princeton:
Professor Ed Zschau ’61 serves as guru to budding entrepreneurs
By Jordan Paul Amadio ’05

It is the last day of class before winter break, and 65 seniors are mesmerized by a professor in a Bugs Bunny tie. For the past hour, he has been recounting the details of his autobiography — studying physics and philosophy at Princeton, running a $6 billion division of IBM, founding two technology companies, winning a congressional seat in California. Suddenly, the lecturer pauses. Smiling to himself, he continues an end-of-semester tradition inaugurated four decades earlier, when he was Stanford Business School’s 24-year-old faculty wunderkind. Without warning, professor Ed Zschau ’61 begins to sing.
A Japanese Webpage Selling Stuff Online Using Copied and Pasted Data from Wikipedia as Clickbait... They Fool the Google Search Engine into thinking that this webpage is worthy, then advertise all kinds of 'wonderful' but useless products:
But they had a Great Photo for me to Pirate.

Picture of a PDP-11. Our Cards served as an Interface between Mini Computers and Disc Drives.

The Ultimate Goal was to Store Medical Information about Patients on Computers so it could be Easily Distributed between Doctor's Offices and Hospitals.

Sadly, HIPPA Regulation Prevents the Easy Distribution of Medical Information.

However... In Recent Years Security and Privacy Problems Have been Solved and Everyone Views Their Own Medical Information Online! Excellent! 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Speaking of Santa Clara... 

The Grateful Dead Farewell Concert - Santa Clara 6-27 and 6-28 2015 - Photos and MyStory - A Rainbow Appeared over the Concert... Many Felt It Was Jerry Garcia Visiting from BEYOND...

Music so good it changes the weather. On 6/27 there was a Rainbow over Levi Stadium and then it Rained. Just a very light sprinkle, but we all felt it. 

photo of Rainbow at the Grateful Dead Concert in Santa Clara, CA



When I was working at System Industries in Santa Clara, California (1976) the owner of the company (Dr. Edwin Zschau) went to Japan to learn how to run a business.

They were doing very well in comparison to USA companies and there was a lot of interest in learning why. So we adopted many oriental concepts and implemented them in our business. One thing was that we had a company song. We had a birthday meeting every month and we would all sing the company song.

"System, System Industries, Here we go, Hand in hand.
Solving Data Mysteries for the betterment of man."

Another thing we did was take a two hour lunch so we could exercise. I swam at the Santa Clara International Swim center with my wife. She was working the Graveyard shift at National Semi-conductor so we met twice a day. Lunch and evenings.
We had many people from foreign countries working there. When Dr. Zschau went to Japan he hired many Japanese people. Immigrants made our company better. That was a universal fact of life about Silicon Valley... The brightest engineers worldwide came here for work. I had a neighbor from Nicaragua who came to work at IBM. And another Engineer I knew came from Germany at the end of WW2 to work at Lockheed. Very Common.

~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~

Another time in Santa Clara we partticipated in a "Car Rally". Everyone would meet at a starting location then we were given a series of clues as to where to go next. One clue was "Go to a street named for a part time orchestra leader." We were supposed to figure out the puzzle and navagate to checkpoints. The answer to that clue was "Semi-conductor Blvd"... semi meaning part time and conductor is the leader of an orchestra. This was all part of the California Car Culture.

Read more of my Auto-Biography at:

Great Book: "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now" by Jaron Lanier... They encourage bad behavior and stifle good...
A timely call-to-arms from a Silicon Valley pioneer.

You might have trouble imagining life without your social media accounts, but virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier insists that we’re better off without them. In Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Lanier, who participates in no social media, offers powerful and personal reasons for all of us to leave these dangerous online platforms.

Pointy Cap Magic Mushroom Graphed in WINPLOT
Books by Jaron Lanier 

Who Owns the Future?

Jaron Lanier is the father of virtual reality and one of the world’s most brilliant thinkers. Who Owns the Future? is his visionary reckoning with the most urgent economic and social trend of our age: the poisonous concentration of money and power in our digital networks.

Lanier has predicted how technology will transform our humanity for decades, and his insight has never been more urgently needed. He shows how Siren Servers, which exploit big data and the free sharing of information, led our economy into recession, imperiled personal privacy, and hollowed out the middle class. The networks that define our world—including social media, financial institutions, and intelligence agencies—now threaten to destroy it.

But there is an alternative. In this provocative, poetic, and deeply humane book, Lanier charts a path toward a brighter future: an information economy that rewards ordinary people for what they do and share on the web.

The Search for Rainbow Spiralism in Ancient Civilizations

One Cause of Global Warming is Automobile Exhaust. I don't own a car. I ride the bus... It's fun! Fix Global Warming...

I sleep on the way to work... You can't do that if you drive...
I drink booze on the way home... You can't do that if you drive...

However, I know people that travel great distances to get to work and cannot ride the bus or use BART. Friends of mine LIVE in Sacramento and WORK in San Francisco and commute back and forth every day. That's INSANE but you do what you have to do to survive.

A really great solution would be to move the workplace closer to Home. Housing costs in the Bay Area are very high and MANY people choose to live in the central valley where housing costs are reasonable. Why NOT move high tech offices? What is the advantage to having an office in Sunnyvale, Santa Clara or Mountain View? With a shorter commute people would be happier and more productive... An hour+ commute each way really makes for a long workday... We should move offices to Stockton, Modesto, Turlock and Gilroy... That's where the people live!

Zoning Laws made sense in the past when we wanted to keep industrial buildings far away from Homes. Industrial buildings often caused smoke and pollution... like steel mills and oil refineries...

Office Space could fill the empty stores at shopping malls... Since Amazon has caused retail stores to close why not use those vacant buildings for Cubical Farms?

Fix Global Warming

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I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... I feel blessed that not only did I grow up in a great location but I also grew up at a great time. I missed the Vietnam War by ONE Year and Silicon Valley Was Hiring Like Crazy When I Needed a Job.
Peace Sign Pie Chart
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During the 1950s Americans went into a Mad Panic about Communists taking over the world. We built thousands of Nuclear Missiles and Fallout Shelters. The US Congress had witch hunts (Joe McCarthy-HUAC) to expose "Commies" who worked in The Hollywood Movie business and blacklisted folksingers that were leading our young people astray with Labor Union Organizing songs.

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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics