Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Era of HATE is Over... Every Day We Travel Farther Away From The Curse of Trumpism... Towards a Wonderful Future...

Have You Noticed that the GOP is Dividing in Half... Some are Mind Control Slaves of Their Glorious Leader... and Others are Patriots to the United States of America... 

The Final Effect of This Splitting is That Democrats Will Continue To Win Elections... In General, Majority Rules... and Most Voters Are Young, Minority Groups, Women or College Graduates. All of those Groups Overwhelmingly Vote Democratic. Instead of Hannity, Try Sanity!

rainbowQuest420 - Relax and Focus Your Attention on this Mandala and Feel Bliss Now - gvan42
Relax and Focus Your Attention on this
Mandala and Feel Bliss Now

Remember to #RUNAWAY from People That Make Their Living Selling Hate... Don't Be A Sucker, Unplug Tucker... 

We Have the Technology To GATHER ONLINE with Positive People... For Example: Saturday Night Alive for The Global Peace Tribe... They Broadcast a Positive Uplifting Internet Show at 6PM California Time... 


I use Facebook and I Have BLOCKED All CrazyTalk® Hate Speech... It's Much More FUN Without Insane TrumpNiks... 

There is NO VALID POINT to Interacting With Them... In 2022 I'll Start Campaigning Against All Republicans Everywhere But THIS YEAR... I'm Going to Ignore Them All. 

I Refuse to Watch Shows That Make Me Angry About Events That I Can't Do Anything About... I Did Not Watch The Trump Impeachment Trial because... Everybody Knew In Advance That the End Result Would Be... I Used MY TIME to Watch Interesting Free Documentary Movies and FUN SHOWS... 

I Chose the Cirque du Soleil "Worlds Away" Movie. Acrobats, Clowns, Synchronized Swimming and BEATLE MUSIC!

Coral Blush Rose and Two Buds Not Yet Open - gvan42
Here is a Pleasant Image to Observe
and Cleanse Your Mind...
Take a Deep Breath
and Contact God... 

How To Wake Up and Notice Reality. It's Easy, Just Follow these Simple Steps!

Look Around You. Find 5 Things You Can See. 4 Things You Can Touch. 3 Things You Can Hear. 2 Things You Can Smell. 1 Thing You Can Taste.

Remember: None of These are Located in Your TV Screen, Laptop or Phone... UNPLUG AND NOTICE REALITY!

Take a Walk in Nature... BIG FUN!

Open the Doors of Perception - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is: Infinite. - William Blake

Here is a Music Video of Mine: 
"We Are Coming Into Alignment"

As a Nation, We Need to Forgive Each Other and Work Together to Build a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow... Red and Blue People Coming Together to Make #Purple64ets.

On a Different Subject... In The Restaurant at the Trinidad, CA Pier... They Have ART Prints Made by Painting a Fish With Watercolors and Then Pushing that Painted Fish onto a Piece of Paper. Making a 100% Accurate Painting of That Fish... That Blew My Mind.
Print of a Fish

geese in the field next to the creek in Orangevale CA
Geese in the field next to the creek...
Springtime Came Early This Year! 2/14/2021

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