Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

I ALWAYS Turn off the Sound on TV Commercials but... Out in the Living Room of My Group House THEY DON'T... and So... On Rare Occasions I Actually HEAR those Horrible Noises...

When I was a Teenager "Mad Magazine" Published How to Build a TV Sound Mute Switch Plans... TO SILENCE TV ADS... and I Opened Up My Parents TV and Added the Button... Without Electrocuting Myself or Breaking the TV! 

This Was The High Point of My Entire Electronics Career...

Now ALL TV Remotes Have a Mute Button... Mad Magazine Was Just Ahead of It's Time... (Well, DUH)

Now, I Can't Find an Image for The Mad Magazine Article about How To Build That Switch... I Tried Google Image Search but... NO JOY! If You Have a Copy of that Issue, Please Photograph the Drawings and EMAIL Them to me... gregvan(at)yahoo(dot)com...

Mad Magazine Cover

I Really Object to TV Ads Showing Pictures of UGLY People... There are Advertisements for a Wrinkle Remover That Shows Before and After Pictures... I Have Learned to Recognize That Ad and Close My Eyes BEFORE the Offensive Images Are Shown... With the Sound Off and My Eyes Closed... That's a Great Time for Prayer and Meditation! 

Ed Abbey - Shooting His TV
Ed Abbey - Shooting His TV

Let's Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices! and Beware of the BOGUS MISLEADING SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES... 

Have You ever LISTENED to The Side Effect Warnings? "Possible Suicidal Thoughts" for that Drug That Turns You Into a Darling Red Headed Teenager... and if you eat their pill,  You Can DO ECSTATIC DANCING While Wearing Fewer Clothes! and Have Your Pals Drive You Down The Pacific Coast Highway in a VW Convertible Car... or... Think About Killing Yourself... FUN!

MEME - Let's Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in High Drug Prices!  - gvan42


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