Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Try "The Scientific Method": Observe Reality, Collect Facts, Analyse the Data, Draw Conclusions. It's the Opposite of the Republicrime Method.

Their plan is: Write a Conclusion, Make Up "Facts", Pretend those "Facts" are Reality, Attack anyone who disagrees with their conclusion.

Learn about Critical Thinking...
 It refers to the ability to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment.

Embrace Rainbow Spiralism Mug FOR SALE!
Smiling Text Art Cartoon Man 
with a swirling background... It's Cosmic!

March for Science in Washington DC on 4/14/2018 - A Protest in favor of Studying Reality...

From Washington D.C. to Abuja, Nigeria, science supporters across the globe are mobilizing.  Events range from science expos and festivals to rallies and large-scale marches but they are united with shared goals. March for Science events energize science advocates from multiple spheres to create tangible change and call for greater accountability of public officials to enact evidence-based policy that serves all communities.

I wonder what Motivates People to Do Evil for a Living. For Example: There are People Who Work for Monsanto Discrediting Reporters That Exposed the Dangers of RoundUP WeedKiller.

Someone was working Full Time Studying Neil Young looking for ways to harm him for Making the Record "The Monsanto Years."

HEADLINE: I’m a journalist. Monsanto built a step-by-step strategy to destroy my reputation by Carey Gillam. I knew the company didn’t like me reporting about growing unease in the scientific community regarding research that connected Monsanto herbicides to human and environmental health problems. And I knew the company did not welcome the 2017 release of my book, Whitewash – The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer and the Corruption of Science, which revealed the company’s actions to suppress and manipulate the science surrounding its herbicide business.

But I never dreamed I would warrant my own Monsanto action plan.

There are People who work in Hong Kong for the Police Beating Protesters with Nightsticks... and there are a LOT of those People... In France there are "Les cochons" that shoot Tear Gas at Yellow Vest Protesters. 

In Brazil, 45 Million Workers Staged a General Strike... HEADLINE:Brazil cities paralysed as Bolsonaro faces first general strike...

Someone at CNN and MSNBC News Decided that their Viewers Should not know about this Strike. They decided that We Needed to See YET another Repetition about the Latest in the Beautiful Hollywood Actress uses Bribery to Get Her Daughter into College story. There were 50 People arrested in that Scandal but ONLY TWO People were shown on TV and BOTH Just Happened to Be Beautiful Women... What a Coincidence... 

There are People That Write for the Heritage Foundation. Famous for Using Backwards Science to Support Corporations That Do Evil. First, they Write a Conclusion that Shows That Their Bosses are Saints. Then They Do "Research" to find "Data" that Proves their Conclusion is Accurate... That's the EXACT Opposite of the Scientific Method. Remember: anything That Comes out of George Mason University is "Research" Paid for by The KOCH Brothers... They Came Up With an Economic Theory that Allowed The Super-Rich to Write Laws That Would Steal From The Poor and Give to The Rich... and then they Put it into Practice in South America... and That Country Went Bankrupt... Economic Disaster... and they all Agreed to Never Speak of How their Plan was a Failure, Just Keep on Repeating it as If It Was a PROPOSED THEORY... 

Nancy MacLean Wrote a Book about This... 
"Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America"

Take a Break and Enjoy My Psychedelic Artwork... 
psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

psychedelic art by gvan42

A Journey to the Rainbow Gathering in California 2004. Photographs and My Story... and Memories of The Gatherings in Idaho, Utah and Pennsylvania...

What IS the Rainbow Gathering? To me, it is Woodstock with amateur musicians and I’m in the band…

Thousands of people go backpacking for a couple of weeks… Every year during the end of June and the beginning of July… The location is different every year but it is always in a National Forest… It’s an intentional temporary village… READ MORE:

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