The controversy between the Fundamentalists and the
Modernists in the Protestant churches presents certain
difficulties for the expounder, mainly because the two
parties to the debate are not clearly defined. Not all theo-
logical conservatism can properly be called fundamen-
talism. There are those who for themselves hold all the
old doctrines, but who do not have the belligerent attitude
toward other opinions which marks the group who call
themselves Fundamentalists. There is also a large class
of Christian leaders who go a little way with the Modern-
ists on questions like the nature and proper use of the Bi-
ble, who feel unable to take beliefs like the second coming
of Christ with quite the old literalness, who might even
admit a measure of errancy in the Bible in unimportant
matters, but who stand firm on the old doctrines of the
person and work of Christ. It is doubtful whether these
can properly be called Modernists. The same men, for
instance, may be found on the modernist side when it
comes to belief in evolution, but on the conservative side
when the question is the virgin birth or the bodily resur-
rection of Christ. The question is also complicated by
the fact that many of the Fundamentalists do not repre-
sent the whole group of conservatives in that they are
premillennarians (or premillennialists) . This is a formid-
able word, but its meaning can be quite easily made
clear. There is much mention in the New Testament of
a second coming of Christ to this world, with manifes-
tations of glory in contrast to the lowliness of his first
appearance, In the last book of the New Testament, the
Apocalypse or Revelation of St. John, there is also refer-
ence to a future period of a thousand years when Christ
shall reign on this earth and the powers of evil shall be...
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